
Jan 29, 2004 20:21

How many...

times have you been to disneyland? - 1
broken bones have you had? - 0
cigarettes do you smoke in a day? - 0
colors have you had your hair? - red-brown / bright-red / brown-blonde / blonde
times have you been arrested? - 0
car accidents have you been in? - 0
operations have you had? - umm I think like 1
kids do you want? - 0
contests have you won? - I think 3
dead bodies have you seen? - 4
pen pals do you have? - Umm pen pals none but I have lj friends
dirty jokes do you know? - tons
tattoos do you have? - 0
tattoos do you want? - umm I believe I’m up to 7
times have you fallen in love? - 1/2
concerts have you been to? - None & I’m pissed
times have you cried this week? - 1
instruments can you play? - umm 2
girls have you french kissed? - 0
boys have you french kissed? - 1
languages do you speak? - 2
speeding tickets have you gotten? - 0
times have you been married? - 0
babies have you had? - 0
corsets do you own? - 0 but I’ve worn like 3
stephen king novels have you read? - 2
times have you contemplated suicide? - maybe 3
times have you attempted it? - 0
earthquakes have you experienced? - 0
beers have you drank in a row?- 2
teachers have you had a crush on? - 1 (the super hot littlekid gym teacher)
e-mails have you written today? - 3
cabbage patch kids did you own as a child? - maybe 4 or 5
spelling bees have you been in? - 1
hours of tv have you watched today? - 3
nicknames do you have? - many
bills do you have in your wallet? - I don’t have a wallet but I have about 15 in my purse


[if i were __________ i would be: __________]

a month: August
a day of the week: Thursday
a time of day: 10pm
a planet: Venus
a sea animal: Nemo?
a direction: south
a piece of furniture: Chofa (Mix between couch and sofa)
a historical figure: Marie Antoinette “Let them eat cake!”
a liquid: Makeup
a stone: Diamonds - A girls best friend
a tree: That one Japanese one
a bird: A Parrot named Pedro
a tool: Hammer
a flower/plant: black roses
a kind of weather: dreary and rainy
a mythical creature: a unicorn!
a musical instrument: cello
an animal: Nemo again
a color: black
an emotion: despair
a vegetable: broccoli
an element: fire
a car: Mine Cadillac Eldorado or STS ’97 (Our old car)
a song: "The Scientist” - Coldplay
a movie, directed by: Blow (I honeslty don’t know)
a book, written by: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Anna something
a food: A wedding cake (It causes happiness and is beautiful)
a place: The clouds
a material: Diamonds again
a taste: Sourness
a scent: Mango
a religion: Atheist or Scientology
a word: Me
an object: chocolate
a body part: eyes.
a facial expression: crying
a subject in school: european history
a cartoon character: I dun really watch cartoons
a shape: Circle (It keeps going and going, kind of like the energizer bunny)
a number: 15


Three Things that Scare Me
01 | People
02 | Total Happiness
03 | Love

Three Things I don't Understand
01 | Men
02 | our large amount of schooling
03 | Tons of things

Three Things I'd Like to Learn
01 | Latin
02 | French
03 | Great acting skills


1.Do you sleep more than 6 hours a day? Hardly ever

2. Do you get up early? Usually before 9am

3. Do you get right up or lounge in bed? Right up

4. Jim Morrison was so excited by life that he never yawned. Do you? Yes, I do all the time

5. Do you waste a lot of time? Sadly yes

6. Are you often bored? Not really

7. Do you spend time doing nothing? I'm always doing something

8. Do you have any hobbies? Hobbies? Not that I can think of

9. Do you get the most that you can out of school? Not really, not in middle school, but I'll try in HS

10. Are your days full and fast paced? Almsot always, if I have any say in the matter

11. Do you have goals that you are constantly working to achieve? Yes, learning to play cello, learning spanish, trying to turn in homework

12. Do you enjoy every moment, even when you'd rather be doing something else? Yes

13. Do you know better than to take life too seriously? Only in some instances

14. Which do you make: wishes or plans? Plans, If wishes were money hobos would be rich

15. Do you do just what you want to, not caring what others think? Usually yes, but not in some instances

16. What were you doing the last time you really felt you were living life to the fullest? Everyday that I have no time relax, I love that

17. Do you laugh just as loudly when you are alone? Always

18. Are you so overemotional that you are blind to what's really important? A lot of times

20. Do you challenge yourself often? Not always

21. Do you seize each day? No

22. Do you pay attention when opportunity knocks? ALmost always

23. Do you love everyone and everything with your whole heart like you've never been hurt? I either hate or love

24. Are you always trying to learn new things? Yes.

24b. Do you use excuses like 'I'm too tired' to keep from doing things? Sorry to say yes

25. If there was one thing you could do right now that would really make you feel alive what would it be? Go tour all of Spain and maybe even Europe

26. Why aren't you doing it? I am too young and odnty have that much money


Brittany is the #187 most common female name.
0.117% of females in the US are named Brittany.
Around 149175 US females are named Brittany!


1. can you draw a perfect circle? Kinda
2. when you write on paper without lines, is it straight? Yes or else I redo it
3. have you ever hit anything with your car? I don’t drive, but I haven’t with my bike
4. do you buy things when they are on sale when you had no prior intentions of buying it? Yes
5. if you had $400 to spend on anything what would you spend it on? Most likely clothes or to my vacation fund
6. when and for what reason was the last time somebody hit you? Virgil, Tuesday after school
7. describe the room you're sitting in. My living room. A big U shaped couch, our TV, the chofa, the chair, and baliey’s cage of course
8. what street do you live on? Hemlock
9. how many houses/apartments have you lived in? 5 or 6
10. do you think you're easy to get along with? sometimes


First (music) tape you bought? N*Sync
First cd you bought: Spice Girls
First book you read on your own: Umm maybe 1 fish 2 fish
First time you went downtown (or similar) on your own: A few months ago to the civics center
What did you do that day: Went ot see a play
First computer you had: Windows 95
Do you remember the first game you played on the computer: Chips Challenge
When did you get an internet connection: Umm '95 or '96
First concert you went to (without parents): N/a
What was it:n/a
First clothes you bought on your own (with your money or not, but without your mother saying you HAD to buy that): Something at Aeropostale probably
First kiss (when and with whom): 2 summers ago with Zach (no one at school knows this kid, summer romance)


first funeral: Uncle Arlos (founder of Famous Footwear)
first pet: a cat when I was 5. Abbey, the mean one
first president voted for: Not old enough
first piercing/tattoo: my ears when I was 3
first independent home: Never
first house/flat/apartment: Never
first love: My stuffed teddy
first big trip: Florida when I was 10
first sport played: umm maybe Peek-a-boo
first musician you remember playing in your house: Motzart was one of the first songs i heard
last library book you checked out: 3, Suffragette Diary, another Diary and one about Shakespeare
last movie seen: Finding Nemo
last cuss word uttered: shit
last beverage drank: pepsi
last food consumed: big mikes sub
last phone call: Sturgis
last tv show watched: Extreme Makeover
last time showered: 12 minutes ago
last shoes worn: Pink Adidas tennies
last cd played: Evanescence - Fallen
last item bought: A bagel
last downloaded: Linkin Park - "Numb"
last annoyance: I dunno... Bailey?
last disappointment: School was still going even though its freezing
last pop drink drank:Pepsi
last thing written: Gotta be...homework
last key used: House key? Or computer key. The "Enter"
last words spoken: "Goodnight"
last sleep: 10:30pm - 7 am
last IM: Jose
last weird encounter: Carrie Waliser
last ice cream eaten: during friends I ate "Brownie Batter" Ice cream mmmm
last time amused: Every second
last time wanting to die: This morning
last time in love: I dunno
last time hugged: When I got out of Markies Car - Markie and Sturgis
last chair sat in: The couch
last lipstick used: Elizabeth Arden High Shine Lip Gloss
last shirt worn: Red 1/2 off the shoulder tee
last time dancing: A few minutes ago
last web page visited: Yahoo Launch Music

5 Songs I Listen to When I am Sad
* My Immortal - Evanescence
* Hello - Evanescence
* #1 on John Mayers new CD
* The Scientist - Coldplay
* Hey Ya - Outkast

5 Songs I Listen to When I Am Angry
* Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson
* Rape Me - Nirvana
* Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
* Girls Not Grey - AFI
* Bitter Sweet Symphony - The Verve

5 Songs That Make Me Wanna Have Fun
* Dirrty - Christina Aguilera
* How You Gonna Be My Girl - Jet
* Wrong Way - Sublime
* Clock - Coldplay
* Whats my Age Again - Blink 182

5 Songs that Make Me Wanna Dance
* Anything Moulin Rouge
* Dirrty - Xtina
* How You Ganna Be My Girl - Jet
* Move Your Feet - Junior Senior
* dunno

5 Songs That I Hate
* Why Not - Hilary Duff
* So Yesterdat - Hilary Duff
* Come Clean - Hilary Duff (See a pattern)
* I'm With You - Avril Lavigne
* Sk8r Boi - Avril Lavigne

5 songs that Make Me Go Crazy
* Cruise Control - AFI
* Just A Girl - No Doubt
* dunno
* dunno
* dunno

5 Good 'Pump Up' Songs

5 Cover Songs Which in My opinion are better than the Original
* Hit Me Baby one More Time
* Its My Life - No Doubt
* Somewhere Over the Rainbow - Tori Amos
* dunno
* dunno

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