Sep 10, 2006 09:40

school started on sept 6th for me. its gonna be a crazy year because of the amalgamation. amalgamation  n : the combination of two or more commercial companies. Or in this case two schools. in my barely-city there was two high schools (grade 10 to 12) and one private school that went kindergarten to grade 12 but that was for religious rich kids. so this year the mayor decided he wanted both high schools to be combined. and just for fun he added the grade 9's. So now i go to a school where nobody knows where there going not even the teachers. More then half the school is grade 10 and 9. there is 360ish kids in my grade 10.  its is VERY confusing. 
my homeroom is in the basement of one school and my first class is on the second floor of the other building, i have FIVE minutes to get to it. 
good news, i go to the same school as all of my friends. and my boyfriend. but i never see any of them in the halls.
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