(no subject)

Sep 06, 2005 15:47

So in all the talk about Hurricane Katrina (FUCKING IMPEACH BUSH)
I had no idea that Rehnquist finally kicked the bucket. Fortunately this means that "Father John" Roberts gets to be elevated to the chief justice. Which means that he gets to set the tone of the court for the next, oh, thirty years or so. So life is going to be awesome, basically. (FUCKING IMPEACH BUSH)

As the slogan goes, "the whole world is watching," but I'm afraid that some people have stopped caring (that they ever did being itself a large and likely erroneous assumption). An op-ed piece in the Times today advocates magic markers and tough-love over a responsive federal government (or, I don't know, funding for levees, maybe? Oh wait, that would be a hand out. Quoth the raven: "They said their cities couldn't survive without help from Washington, which proceeded to shower inner cities with money and programs that did more damage than the riots. Cities didn't recover until some mayors, especially Republicans like Rudy Giuliani, tried self-reliance." Notice how no one ever proves the causal relationship, they just need to make the assumption. I also wonder how Amadu Dialou's family feels about Mayor Giulliani's "cold effectiveness"). The media have adopted a weird "blame the victim" policy (or, as one critic put it, the "New Orleans was wearing a short skirt so they deserved it" strategy), and it seems to be working if an ABC poll is accurate, and 48% of the American public think Bush is doing a great job. God, is this my country? Can they really be this callous, this mean-spirited, this willfully ignorant?

I'm afraid of Americans, I'm afraid of the world.

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