Finally a good update! :D
Lots of pictures from recent times.
These are from a couple weeks ago I believe.
We babysit Britne's cousins.
Her youngest cousin, Paris. She's so damn cute.
Favorite picture of us. Pure happiness.
Also a little bit ago.
@ Denny's. :D
Baharik, and Mike.
Some of Baharik, Mike, and Josh or as we call him, Ninja Jack.
Aubrie, applying my Vaseline Lip Therapy, haha.
Today! February 18, 2007.
Hung out with Aubrie, Mike, Ryan, and Ricky.
Ryan! in his sick new hat.
Michael and Ryan.
Michael shaved his beard ='[.
He'd probably get mad @ me for this, haha.
My babyyy.
Hahahaha, my other hand says THUG.
I love them so much lol.
Some of my favorite people in the world.
Ryan's so cute.
He had fun tonight flashin' his grillz.
Oh boy, I'm so glad we actually full on hung out tonight
with no interuptions and nobody leaving early. I loved that, it was really good.
Oh, and I really love this candy I got from the chinese resturant.
It's so cute, I don't ever wanna eat it, haha.