Aug 24, 2005 00:59
So the finishing of my side stars is tomorrow at noon. Hopefully my appointment doesn't get messed up again. Marshall's a good guy, I know it wasn't his fault. But man I'd worked myself up for it. And then I was dissiapointed last week. Oh well it's all part of this thing we call life. He's going to thicken the biggest star, and add 3 or 4 more on. We'll see How it goes. I'm fairly excited.
"here in the waking, walking dead"
I've been working on the sketch book a lot more than usual this week. I think I'm just reading more. And looking at more magazines. It's giving me much more inspiration. And I'm really having fun with my glue stick and scissors.
Today was so busy at work. I only had 3 clients. 2 highlight clients. and 1 womens cut. Now, the only thig I have to say to anyone ever planning on going to a salon to have your hair colored. KNOW WHAT YOU FUCKING WANT. Or be open and excited about ideas your stylist gives you. My first client today had no fucking clue what she wanted. all she knew was blonde highlights. Yet she had no idea what shade of blonde. and she wasn't too impressed with any swatches. She had no idea if she wanted a lot of just a few. And in the end she didn't seem to give a shit that id spent 3 and a half hours on her fucking hair - showing this by the $5 tip. Following this client I had a very short 15 minute break where I monstered down my soup I'd brought for lunch. Then my womens cut. Now this girl was a huge sweetheart so no complaints here. Then right when I finished her, I had a girl who wanted her blonde hair to be a pinch more gold than it already was. Pretty useless. She was cute in her own way. But very obviously one of those girls who still in highschool thinks they're the toughed shit ever. So I do lowlights on her instead. She seems skeptical but claims she likes the idea - in her monotone voice. My point is, if you don't know what you want. You stress me out. And really, I don't feel like dealing with you.
"Last call at the hospital. You slept thru it all, and these four walls warn you. That the surgery might not be the key, to face the memory of you and me."