Jan 23, 2006 20:11
1. Are you wearing a necklace?: YEP.
2. Does your computer have a mouse?: SURE DOES.
3. Who are the main people you talk to in each of your classes?: I DONT TALK IN CLASS.
4. Do you have a cut in your nose?: UM. SHOULD I?
5. Are you rich?: FAR FROM IT.
6. How many bedrooms do you have in your house?: 4.
7. What song are you listening to?: NONE. BUT IM SINGING A SONG I DONT KNOW THE NAME OF.
8. What's the last mall you went to?: SIKES SENTER. FALLZ TOWN HOES.
9. Are you alone?: ...YES...
10. Do you have any older siblings?: NO.
11. What was the last thing you ate?: CHICKEN CHILI.
12. Who was the last person to come over your house? LINDSEY.
13. Who was the last person that called you?: JOE.
14. Who was the last person you texted?: HEATHER.
15. What time is it? 8:13.
16. What should you be doing?: GEOGRAPHY PROJECT.
17. Who is the last person you imed?: OLIVIA? BEEN A WHILE...
18. Did you go out to eat yesterday?: NOPE.
19. What are you thinking right now?: SUCKY BOYS.
20. What color is your shirt?: RED.
21. What color is your keyboard?: BLACK.
22. What do you feel like eating?: IM FULL.
23. When was the last time you drank alcohol?: GEEZ....NEVER?
24. What is the last word you wrote?: NEVER?
25. Are you bored?: YEP.
26. How many teeth do you have? COUNT YOUR OWN.
27. Miss anyone right now?: MHM.
28. Do you wear glasses?: SOMETIMES.
29. What color are your shoes?: YAY FO SOCKS.
30. Are your toes painted?: NAH.
31. Last thing you drank?: TEA.
32. Last word you typed?: TEA.
33. Wanna have sex?: WHEN?
34. Do you love someone?: YES. NOT IN A BOYFRIEND WAY...WELL...MY THITHTA.
35. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: NO.
36. What time is it now? 8:16.
37. What are you looking at?: MY RETAWDED THITHTA.
38. What's the last word[s] you said?: "HAHAH MY RETAWDED THITHTA. WHAT? OH..."
39. Do you have lipgloss on?: CHIPPY LIPPYS.
40. Do you have eyeliner on?: OMGAHYES!!!
41. Do you have any makeup on?: MHM.
1. Do you give the peace sign a lot? DEFINITELY
2. How many Abercrombie polos do you own? OMG NONE!
3. Do you always wash your hands after using the bathroom? NO. I LIKE GERMS. FAGGOT.
4. Can you do a cartwheel? I CAN FALL ON MY ATH.
5. Would you skate goofy or regular? GOOFY.
6. How many times have you been to the mall this week? TWICE.
7. Do you regret something you did yesterday? I NEVER REGRET.
9. Have you ever been tubing? YEP.
10. Has school started yet? SHIT.
11. Do you own a guitar? I OWN TWO SUCKA.
12. Have you ever rode in an ambulance? NO.
13. Do you like the taste of beer? EW.
14. Do you have a piggy bank shaped like a pig? WHEN I WAS LITTLE.
15. Crayons or markers? COLORED PENCILS.
16. What age do you wish you were? 19.
17. Do you shower facing the shower head or with your back to the shower head? BACK AND FORTH. HAHA.
18. Do you have anything in your pockets right now? LINT. SWEATPANTS. YEAH.
19. What is the most money you ever found on the ground? 20 BUCKS. TOYS R US PARKING LOT. SOME KID WENT HOME AND CRIED. I BOUGHT A TOY AND LAUGHED.
20. What is the closest object to your right? A PIECE OF TAX RETURN PAPER.
21. Do you like school? NIGGA YOU CRAZY.
22. How many windows are up on your computer? TRES.
23. Do you share your computer with anyone? MY FAMILY.
24. What kind of cell phone do you have? VERIZON FLIP PHONE HOE.
25. How many people have called for you today? I DONT KNOW.
26. What color are the walls of your room? COVERED IN POSTERS.
27. Are you wearing socks? YES.
28. How many hours did you sleep last night? LIKE 4.
29. Did you ever get the chicken pox? KINDERGARTEN.
30. Do you own an MP3 player or an IPOD? FUCK OFF.
31. How many songs are on it? NUMBER 30.
32. Have you been outside your house yet today? UNFORTUNATELY...HA.
33. What is the last movie you saw in theatres? FUN WITH DICK AND JANE.
34. Did you like it? EH...KINDA.
35. What do you want to do tomorrow? 1)FAKE SICK 2)TALK TO "SOMEONE". <3.