Jan 05, 2016 19:46
so i started that new years prompt as a short way to encourage me to write every day and it's good because now here i am, with way more to say than i had initially intended. great! so, for the sake of consistency:
today i am thankful for my coworker miki. technically she is my assistant, but we are buds and i think it's better to regard it that way when it comes to functioning as a team. she accompanied me at lunch today and i really enjoy her company. she is a 23-year-old mother of three kids. i typically let her regale our breaks with kid stories because she has made aware that she doesn't have many people to confide in and so i like to serve as a sounding board/friend to listen. i appreciate that she is comfortable enough to share personal things-- some of the stories she shares, i really don't know how she does it. she is very compassionate and sincere. we are harmonious at work together.
today i felt like i missed writing. i looked up some articles on thoughtcatalog that really resonated to me and i thought how much i would like to write articles myself, but eh, this is enough for me. like most of my successes or talents, i like to keep them to myself. on the off chance that my cousin mary reads this or some random person that has followed my brain for the past couple of years, i hope it has brought some entertainment. that being said, there are two thoughts i want to jump off on but won't, so i will state them briefly:
i don't trust when guys try to hook up with me during "cuffing season"-- this season being pre-february, and mid-october to december. this is when the holidays happen, this is when people are especially lonely, and i might automatically dismiss someone due to the time period that they start courting me. i know that sounds ridiculous but, really. catch me in march. lol
on dating: my girlfriends will fight me fiercely over this and ridicule me for not making an effort to give two shits about how i look on a date but this is how i see it-- i don't need to impress because-- i have already impressed you. something with our initial exchange obviously elicited something in you to ask me out, so now you have to impress me! i have always been a very simple jeans and t-shirt kind of girl and that's what you're gonna get. not that i never dress up, but like i said, you have to impress me. plus, you're pretty much gonna see me in jeans and t-shirts a majority of the time any way so i don't like to be deceptive. lol. what you see is what you get.
i have always felt that chakras, eastern medicine, etc. was super hokey, but i am starting to gravitate towards it. for instance, i believe in all things nature/natural. the woods, nature, the sea, is my church-- i feel a solace there i feel no where else. that being said, it wasn't surprising that i would get interested in all these natural beliefs. i sleep with several natural stones in my hand before bed, i end up getting back pains as they scatter below me throughout the night, lol but-- each stone represents an aspect of my life that i am trying to reconcile/aide/fix. it was so hokey for me to believe in the power that they have, but i do. probably as closely to believing to something as a can.