hey batta batta batta batta saaWING batta.

Jul 23, 2005 12:20

ok i'm back from the beach.

it was fun. they were moving the beach back out from the hurricane the week before so there were bulldozers everywhere and they kept moving us farther down the beach. that sucked. but the waves were like 5 feet so there were hot surfers out there.[yay] but i took pictures and bought a cowboy hat yay.

now things i must do before i go back to school:

1.Go see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and March of the Penguins[just cause i really really like penguins, i know it's a documentary.]
2.Go to the [not sure how to spell this] McWane Center with stephanie and whoever else wants to go. its gonna be crazy cool.
3.Give out all the presents i bought people from Texas and the beach.
4.Change something about myself.

and for now that's about it.

today i'm just unpacking and looking for my blessed printer cd to reload it cause my computer is being stupid and i had to take it to the computer doctor and EVERYTHING is wiped out so i'm having to start over again. it sucks.

ok well peace out my homies. ♥
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