Jan 11, 2006 16:41
month by month of what my '05 was like.
prolly the best month i had. so many friends around all the time and not just those friends you call ur friends i mean friends i thought were my best friends for a long time. i turned out to be just something they got caught in their eye like an eyelash. to me i was the sun. but i had alot of run. defintely. mi familia as aubs would say. Got my monroe with Leelee when she got her lip. Dad turns 45.
When the family died to me and I found my best friend. Rachel and I became official and I saved her from a disease called "im gonna do meth cause i think its cool." But I showed her otherwise. What I learned this month is why do we have to have black history month no offense just to make them shut up and feel worthwhile? wtf ever happened to mexican history month? or polish history month? heh.
Tori turned 10 and I ended whatever it was I was doing with Sean. Missing that Leelee girl and being with Rachel 24/7. Had a night I'll never forget with Rachel and Peter and Matt. Started talking to Michael from Myspace. cut my hair into bangs....that was dumb.
On the 5th started dating Michael. Would drive out to Willis whenever I could. Some kid on myspace asking me about the family and i was in shock. Mom turns 46. April 10th is when my world starts to get repetative.
Got an apartment with Rachel and Michael moved in. We all knew this wouldn't last long cause we had only been together a month. Basically stopped going to shows. No more money after rent and beer. lols. Had to have a relapse and save rachel from cocaine. Michael's not a virgin anymore.
I turn 21. Rachel turns 20. And Michael turns 19. 3 parties 3 days in a row. those nights would be the last time i see roland and taylor. Getting fed up with steinmart. I come to the realization that Im not exactly Management material cause of the way I look. Fuck that game.
I can't remember much of this month. Not sure why though. Probably because of repetativeness....again. Missing the family again. And again swearing to myself that That was not what I said and she heard me wrong. crying and cutting for the first time since December. 7 months is a new record. Went to see TL*F, Throwdown, Norma and PTW. best show ever.
Kicked Michael out. Starting dating Ricky. what a lost cause. the rest of this month sucked.
Jamas moved in. We shared a room. Not a bed people. Did some stupid things. Tried something I saved Rachel from. Missed Michael. Who knew that bum would complete me?
Went back out with Michael. Had crazy drunken nights. Great time Saturday b4 halloween and Halloween night. We will never know how Jamas drove home while he was blacked out.
But he got drawn all over with black lipstick. I didn't last so long this time. broke out the razors again. Oh and I quit Steinmart after a year and a month. Fuck them. Talk to josh twice. I can't even last 2 days without my blade.
Samantha turns 8. I cry some more cause money sucks my nuts. Got hired at Visible Changes in the Woodlands Mall. Now my 3rd job in the mall. I fall in love with this job and starting to get focused on going to school. That falls through. Go figure. Eat Thanksgiving dinner with Michael's family. I miss my Mom.
My parents decide that missing Thanksgiving wasnt enough punishment so they leave me in Texas again and go to Disney World for Christmas and leave me here because I have to work. Spend the night at Michael's parents house and open presents on Christmas morning. Missing my mom even more. We got a gamecube. Then renamed it the xcube 420 or the gamebox69. What a bunch of stoners. Got a robot tattoo. Probably not the smartest thing to do, but I'm not one for using my brain all of the time.
so that was my 2005. mostly depressing. with some good spots every now and then. so enjoi.
!meghan michelle.
p.s. i still miss you Leelee