Dear Santa...
Dear Santa,
This year I've been busy!
In February I helped
hellnonegro hide a body (-173 points). In October I pushed
_sunnkissed in the mud (-17 points). Last Wednesday I saved a busload of nuns in Angola (326 points). In November I gave change to a homeless guy (19 points). In May I gave
_camisado a kidney (1000 points).
Overall, I've been nice (1155 points). For Christmas I deserve a shiny red ball!
who doesn't want a shiny red ball for christmas???
L a s t s
Last car ride: home from school
Last good cry: matt's funeral
Last movie seen: dodgeball
Last beverage drank: organic milk
Last food consumed: sugar cookie
Last phone call: my brother
Last time showered: this morning
Last item bought: candy canes
R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Who are your very best friends? i don't know.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope.
S p e c i f i c s
Do you do drugs?: never have never will.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: idk, but it smells good.
What are you most scared of? being alone my whole life. i'm not getting off to a very good start.
Where do you want to get married? the beach
How many buddies are online right now?: i'm not online
What would you change about yourself? too much to name.
F a v o r i t e s
Color: green
Food: clementines, twizzlers, and just about any kind of pasta.
Drink: water&gatorade.
Subjects in school: sports med
Animals: i've always thought some monkeys were kinda cute.
Sports: i play golf. but love to watch some college football.
H a v e | Y o u | E v e r
Taken a bath with someone? when i was little with my brother or something i guess. haha and then at teh beach with swim suits on.
Smoked? no
Made yourself throw up?: no
Skinny dipped?: no
Been in love?: no, i'm too young for that
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: yes
Cried when someone died? recently, unfortunately
Lied?: i have, but not about anything serious. and not recently. just when i was little i'd lie to get out of doing things. but i've never lied to a friend.
Fallen for your best friend?: no
Been rejected? only by friends
Rejected someone?: no
Used someone?: no
Done something you regret?: no. everything happens for a reason.
C u r r e n t
Clothes: sweatshirt and jeans
Make-up: none
Smell: sugar cookies
Desktop picture: picture of my friend matt surfing and text "Surfing for Jesus. Remembering Matt. 10/11/05. <3."
A r e | Y o u
Open minded: with myself
Interesting: if you're interested
Moody: sometimes
Hardworking: for the most part
Responsible: more than most of the people i know
Angry: never.
Sad: i can get pretty down
Disappointed: often
Talkative: if i'm in a bad mood
W h o
did you last hug - meghan
last called you - my dad
last texted you - smith!
did you last text - jamie
do you trust - idk
do you like - i'm trying to decide on this one.
W h a t
are you drinking- nothing
are you eating - nothing
are you doing - filling this out
are you thinking: i am quite tired.
did you do last tuesday - go to school then went to the wrestling match
are you doing next tuesday - go to school and then sleep
do you look like - lots of things. NOT school.
do you do in your spare time - sleep&eat
W h e n
was your last kiss- i couldn't tell you.
was your last shower - this morning
did you last put on make up - my dance recital like 3 years ag? haha i don't wear makeup
is the last time you went shopping: i have no idea, i don't get out much. my mom's sucks and doesn't take me anywhere.
do you normally go to bed: anywhere from 9 to 10
did you last do homework - last night
did you last 'exercise'- martial arts yesterday
W h e r e
do you love to be- at the beach, under the stars, or camping out. preferably all three at the same time :)
do you hate to be- in an awkward situation
will you be at this time tomorrow- idk, i'll decide when that time comes
do you sing - yea, if i feel like it
D o
you have friends- i guess you could say that
you have a girlfriend - not really, no
you like to dress up - depends on the occasion
you wear concealer/powder- no
you talk on your phone a lot - not unless i'm in a bad mood.
have your own computer - family computer.
you have a problem with gay people - nope.