Survey! neh. i know.

Oct 24, 2004 15:22

Okay you better do this survey or I'm neve3r speaking to you agaiN@ lol. JK!
:.:.Basics.:.: whats my full name?

when my birthday?

how old am i?

how did we meet?

who am i to you?


Am i sweet?

Am i your friend?

am i caring?

am i trustworthy?

am i emotional?

am i friendly?

am i annoying?

am i a bitch?

am i pretty?

am i ugly?

am i sexy?

am i fun to be with?


Who is my best friend?

who do i hang out with the most?

who do i trust the most?

:.:.advice and stuff.:.:

If there were one piece of advice you would give me what would it be?

If there were one thing you could change about me what would it be?

If there were on thing you could do with me what would it be?

name ♥ Brandi
single or taken ♥ single

sex ♥ female
birthday ♥ may 12th
siblings ♥ 1 sister in college
hair color ♥ dark brown
eye color ♥ green
shoe size ♥ 8
height ♥ 5'5

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
who are your closest friends ♥ Rachel, bryce, alex
do you have a girlfriend ♥ Isn't it supposed to be boyfriend? well i have neither.

f a s h i o n | s t u f f
where is your favorite place to shop ♥ Hot Topic, Wet Seal, Charlotte Russe
any tattoos or piercings ♥ i have 2 holes on both ears.

s p e c i f i c s
do you do drugs ♥ nope
what kind of shampoo do you use ♥ Pantene Pro V
what are you most scared of ♥ Being Kidnapped/Murdered/raped.
who is the last person that called you ♥ Rachel
where do you want to get married ♥ hawaii for sure or anywhere where tropical
how many buddies are online right now ♥ 18.
what would you change about yourself ♥ nothing. i like myself

f a v o r i t e s
color ♥ pink !!
food ♥ fettucini Alfredo pasta, and chicken strips
boys names ♥ Kyle, Josh, Ryan, Justin
girls names ♥ Ashlee, Courtney, Allyson, Rachel

subjects in school ♥ science.
animals ♥ 3 cats, 2 mice, lots of fish, and i use to have frogs my sister killed them. oh and hermit crabs but my sister fried them.
sports ♥ horseback riding, my mom wants me to take up tennis.
actor ♥ chad m. Murray!
actress ♥ Reese Witherspoon
soda/pop ♥ coke, and sprite remix

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
given anyone a bath ♥ yeah! my horse and mykitties.
bungee jumped ♥ no but i want to.
made yourself throw up ♥ nope
skinny dipped ♥ a wave took my bikini bottoms. does that count?
ever been in love ♥ idk
made yourself cry to get out of trouble ♥ yea, who hasnt? lol
pictured your crush naked ♥ nah
actually seen your crush naked ♥ no
cried when someone died ♥ of course yes
lied ♥ yes hasn't everyone?
fallen in love with your best friend ♥ i liked someone who became my best friend..does that count?
been rejected ♥ no
rejected someone ♥ no
used someone ♥ lol NO
done something you regret ♥ yes.

c u r r e n t
clothes ♥ gray shirt with palm trees, jeans
music ♥ green day
annoyance ♥ rache;'s bird . i can hear him on the phone
smell ♥ lilu. its the perfume from Pac Sun
favorite group ♥ blink 182. i guess
desktop picture ♥ pink and purple sunset
book youre reading ♥ Ring of Endless Light
in cd player ♥ Smile Empty Soul, Green Day, Good charlotte, Story of the Year, and Trapt.
in dvd player ♥ pirates, finding nemo, dropkick murphys(cd).

l a s t | p e r s o n

you touched ♥ rachel
hugged ♥ Rachel =)
you imed ♥ uhh bryce?
you yelled at ♥ my mom
you kissed ♥ umm...

a r e | y o u
understanding ♥ yes
open-minded ♥ yes
arrogant ♥ at times yea
insecure ♥ yes, i'm getting better.
interesting ♥ lol sure
random ♥ yes. Snoozleburgle!
hungry ♥ no.
smart ♥ no, i'm not in all honors anymore
moody ♥ haha alot yeah
hard working ♥ depends on what im workingon
organized ♥ with most things
healthy ♥ no got a cold
shy ♥ a little
difficult ♥ sometimes
attractive ♥ sure i guess
bored easily ♥ sometimes
messy ♥ yes!!!!!
obsessed ♥ no

r a n d o m
in the morning i am ♥ tired
love is ♥ love
i dream about ♥ me being chased by a person! EeKK!

o p p o s i t e | s e x
what do you notice first ♥ eyes
last person you slow danced with ♥ eww. joey karrusal. ewwWWWWW!
worst question to ask ♥ Why are you so ugly? (hahah)
who makes you laugh the most ♥ bryce
who makes you smile ♥ same person as above answer
who do you have a crush on ♥ umm, bryce.
who has a crush on you ♥ Idk. No one?

d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you ♥ nope
wish you were a member of the opposite sex ♥ sometimes cmon they get to pee standing up,, how awesome is that
wish you were younger ♥ no
cried because someone said something to you ♥ yea

n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken ♥ once
of hearts i have broken ♥ idk. none.
of guys ive kissed ♥ 0
of girls ive kissed ♥ haha hmmm no comment
of continents i have lived in ♥ 1. north america!!!!!!!
of tight friends ♥ 5
of cds i own ♥ alot!
of scars on my body ♥ alot because i have a huge scratch well had and it turrned into like 5 different scars and there are others.

t h i s | o r | t h a t
chocolate or vanilla ♥ vanilla
cats or dogs ♥ cats

f i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
do you like fillings these out ♥ only when im bored.. guess im bored
gold or silver ♥ silver
what was the last film you saw at the movies ♥ shark tale with amanda guthrie
what did you have for breakfast this morning ♥ uhh cheerios
who would you love being locked in a room with ♥ hmmm. so many people.
could you live without your computer ♥ i lived 2 weeks without a computer so thats it
would you color your hair ♥ yeah
could you ever get off the computer ♥ yea
habla espanol ♥ Si! i'm in spanish. Me gusta queso! ( i like cheese!)
how many people are on your buddy list ♥ 193
drink alcohol ♥ i have yes
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