taken from rachel (it's really old on her OLD LJ)

Aug 23, 2004 18:54

:.:.Basics.:.: whats my full name?

when my birthday?

how old am i?

how did we meet?

who am i to you?


Am i sweet?

Am i your friend?

am i caring?

am i trustworthy?

am i emotional?

am i friendly?

am i annoying?

am i a bitch?

am i pretty?

am i ugly?

am i sexy?

am i fun to be with?


Who is my best friend?

who do i hang out with the most?

who do i trust the most?

:.:.advice and stuff.:.:

If there were one piece of advice you would give me what would it be?

If there were one thing you could change about me what would it be?

If there were on thing you could do with me what would it be?
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