Apr 09, 2005 22:59
hey people i have not updated in a while, well theses last few days have been pretty good, (wed) james and rocky went to the church thang with us, james wannaed to fight Elena's or so called boyfriend lol he is SOOOOO useing her and thang all he want HAHAH she really thinks he likes her HAHAHAHA funny, but anyway elena was all sceared and the hole time i was like "what you sceared?" and other shit lol you just had to be there. well she had to be a bitch and a FAT pig and go get one of the peopel that work there OMFG.....so he came over and took the 2 boys and had a talk with them meanwhile me, lindsay, elena, rocky, sam, was all over there talking n shit.... (lindsay) "pshh i love it when guys fight over me" (me) " pshhhh they fighting over that BITCH!!!!!".....lmao and all she did was look at me all ugly and stupid she was to sceared to say shit......well after all that and rose, lindsay, mabus, elena, megan left.....me, James, Stefan and rocky was outside waitimg for stefans mom to come pick ALL of us up.....me and james messed around, played fight and he was being a boy......but i feel bad because stefan was all there and i was messing with James all in fround of him (( sorry stefan <3)) stefans mom came picked us all up (((in the car))) james n rocky in the back....me n stefan was in the front and then stefans mom n sis was in the frount frount.....well james broke TWO of my black braclets and rocky broke one.............i was messing with james hand the HOLE time lol idk why i do that but i do.....i got a huge good-bye from james and they went home, steafn was all over me in the car way home lol got home....blah blah..............................(thurs n fri) was 1\2 days i didnt go to school......(sat) BORED all day...mabus came over went bolling with mabus, stefan, kodie.....(((i think kodie likes sam.....ummm ya))) kodie was trying to flert with sam but she was all no n shit lol....and stefan was all over me, like normaly lmao...he kissed me on the cheek like 2 times and was try to get me to kiss him on the lips but idk.....it was sorda boring there tho idk there was not ti meany people tho so maybe thats why and they didnt play that good music like they did when james, me, alyssa, mabus, rose, nikki went ((damn that was a SAD and fun day-night)) ok well i will talk to you all some othere time