I went survey hunting and found ones that I haven't done. Woot.
Stolen from
nazi_asshole A - Age you got your first kiss: 13
B - Band listening to right now: MSI, lol.
C - Crush: Umm...
D - Dad's name: Brad
E - Easiest person to talk to: Mear
F - Favorite bands at the moment: Umm...Skrewdriver...I've been listening to way too much Skrewdriver.
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears?: Gummy Worms
H - Hometown: Hamilton
I - Instruments: Bass guitar...but I played piano for a good 5-6 years.
J - Junior High: Blarg.
K - Kids: Don't have any and never will.
L - Longest car ride ever: Oh god...when I had to go to Saskatchewan...it was bad.
M - Mom's name: Hilda...hahahaha.
N - nicknames: Lizz, Mimi...and Denis called me Aushwitz for a while.
O - One wish: To be happy for once.
P - Phobia[s]: Fish...yup, you heard me.
Q - Quote: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" -David Lane
R - Reason to smile: umm...I have no idea.
S - Song you sang last: Bed Of Roses - Msi
T - Time you woke up [today]: 10:30 am
U - Unknown fact about me: Umm...alot of people don't know that I'm one of the nicest people ever...
V - Vegetable you hate: Brussel Sprouts *pukes*
W - Worst habit(s): smoking...and being bitter.
X - X-rays you've had: too many.
Y - Yummy food: uhh...mashed potatoes. :D
Z - Zodiac sign: Leo
section one - introduction
+ known as: Lizz
+ lives in: Hamilton
+ birthday: 08/19/89
+ shoe size: 8
+ hair color: light brown
+ eye color: blue
section two - have you ever...
+ cheated on someone?: no
+ been cheated on?: no...I don't think so.
+ fallen off the bed?: hahaha, yeah.
+ broken someone's heart?: yes
+ had a dream come true?: nope
+ done something you regret?: yes
+ cheated on a test?: yes
section three - currently
+ wearing: plaid pyjama pants...and one of my dirty punk rocker shirts, hahaha.
+ listening to?: Joan Jett - I Love Rock And Roll...I've been listening to some pretty geeky music lately.
+ located?: kitchen
+ chatting with?: Casey
+ watching?: nothing
+ should REALLY be doing?: chores
section four - do you...
+ brush your teeth? yes
+ have any piercings? yup
+ drive?: no :(
+ drink? yep
+ smoke cigs?: yesh
+ smoke reefer?: weeds for niggers...and I'm not a nigger, haha.
section five - the last person you...
+ hugged?: my brother, haha.
+ kissed?: fucked if I know.
+ IMed?: Casey
+ talked to on the phone: my mommy
+ yelled at? : my brother
section six - personal
+ what do you want to be when you grow up?: ruler of the world
what has been the best day of your life?: I don't know.
+ what comes first in your life?: I don't know
+ do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: no
+ what are you most scared of?: FISH!
+ did you lose someone you really loved?: nope...I'm starting to think that I am incapable of being in love.
+ how many times have you fallen in love?: none
+ love your friends?: sure
section seven - favorite at the moment
+ movie: RHPC! hahaha
+ store: I hate shopping...'cause I'm poor. lol.
+ relative: my aunt...even though she wants to kill me right now, haha.
+ sport: eww...sports
+ ice cream flavor: chocolate
+ fruit: pineapple
+ candy: chocolate...of any sort...I'm a girl!
+ day of the week: Friday
+ color: pink
+ name for a girl: I 'unno.
+ name for a boy: I 'unno.
section eight - do you
+ like to give hugs?: yes
+ like to give kisses? yes
+ like to walk in the rain?: it matters
+ like to travel?: yes
+ have a goldfish?: no
+ have stuffed animals?: yes
section nine - what do you think about...
+ suicide: sure
+ smoking: sure
+ eating disorders: meh...used to have one...it's the only thing that helped me lose weight...but now every time I eat...I want to barf...oh well. And I'm still fat god dammit!
+ summer: blarg
section ten - this or that
+ pierced nose or tongue?: nose
+ MTV or BET?: eww
+ 7th Heaven or dawson's creek?: eww
+ sugar or salt?: meh
+ silver or gold?: silver
+ chocolate or flowers: chocolate
+ color or black-and-white photos?: color
+ stay up late or sleep in?: sleep in
+ hot or cold?: cold
+ mustard or ketchup?: ketchup
+ wonder or amazement?: amazment
+ mexican or italian: italian
+ candy or soda?: POP! I'm not American. hahaha.
+ pepsi or coke?: pepsi