Jul 20, 2005 12:00
listen, my internet has been out for a few days. && now im on a shit computer that goes slower than life. so my wonderful mod, you take over for now =) and if you need help, im sure, you can "test" them && see if they are as good as you are, to be the co-mod. just read other posts for info. uh thats it. im sorry, but i have to get my computer started up again && all my files back && stuff. so i appologize. and this probably doesnt makes sense.
sam, if you think it'd be easier, just close the community temporarily [ just make a big post saying we are closed].
also, we are not your resizers. if some1 wants to resize every1's picture, that'd be great. you get your pic on the user info and under it, it will say : resizer. oh yeh. whats cooler than THAT?
okay. im so sorry.
peace & love,
good luck <33