Your mom

Apr 04, 2005 17:58

don't you hate when you're typing something really important and you're all into it, but then the cursor wasn't even clicked into the text box so you don't end up writing anything and then you lose your train of thought when you realize it? that always happens to me, hahaha. it sucks.

whoa, that had nothing to do with anything. anyways, spring break is officially over, and callie thinks that i actually want to speak to her. i hate when she laughs when i'm not even talking to her and i say something that people think is funny. it's so annoying. and then after she'll go and mope. brett was saying how she mopes morning noon and nihgt, which is pretty true. it's not really helping her out any. i sounds stupid, but she needs to grow up a little bit. she just always tries to turn things around to make you look like it's your fault when she does something stupid, and i'm thoroughly sick of it. gaaaaah, so annoying.
today we got our IMYM tests back, and i got like, 83%! what the fuck?! i was pretty pissed, because he took marks away for things that he didn't even say were madatory. he always changes things at the last minute in his pathetic attempts to dock more points off people. i think he's just getting tired of me standing up for myself by asking him to re-look my tests and stuff. ugh, what a dumbass. then he's like, "you have a strong mark. it was a hard test." i'm like, noooooo it wasn't. and then chelsea has to rub it in everyone's face that she got 92%. it's oen thing to be happy about it, but she fucking rubbed it in EVRERYBODY's face. ugh. what the fuck...

play rehearsals were okay today, kinda boring. it just ticked me off a little how mr. bohemier seemed to have more patience with everybody but me... i've kinda felt like that since we started, though. it's kind of upsetting since some people don't even know how to enunciate their lines with proper punctuation... hahahahaha, mr. hall got me a new script, though. pretty happy about that. i hate how he thinks he can do me a favour and i'll bow down to him. i have no respect for him and he's quite immature for a teacher.

ehhhhhh, anyways, i gotta go start the new Module. i know i've been sounding pretty whiney... :S
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