Dec 10, 2004 16:17
...and trust us we are really sorry about that. Geez... we go on to Lord-Joe for one day and already we start to become a failure... (sniff)... We, we don't know... how much more of this we can take....
(Weeps uncontrollably into the shoulder of our invisible friend for fifteen minutes...)
Ok. Better now. We wonder what the priest would say if we informed him that we left the subject off of the last post. He might also break down crying uncontrollably. Still... stiff upper lip and all that... we must persevere in life if we are to continue it properly...
Jason Upton is in town (yeah!!) and mission is tonight (yeah!!!) and Charley's group is to follow (yeah!!!!!) Oh and our deep dark secret is doing well, we talked to him for a while and he says all this brooding is making him grow and gain power. But then he had to talk to one of his clients so we don't know what else is happening in his life. Lord Joe must have a talk with him sometime, perhaps we will take some of our many thousands of ominous henchmen who do our bidding to break the kneecaps of our darkest secret. That would be fun.
We are also on a quest to dig out spies from our internet. We have been informed that there are huge rings of people who go online everyday beyond ourselves, and though we watch our computer closely they still manage it somehow. We know this because we receive strange E-mails from them, and don't even start with the whole little invisible electronic men delivering messages story because We've heard it before. There is simply no way these little minions could type on such a large keyboard, even if they did exist. And for the record all of you invisible men can just leave us and our family alone, you little devils. Ha. We told them.
We will now play a little game, because little people like games and this is a little game to play with such little people. We will now ask the strange invisible men who don't really even exist to try and discover the number of psychological disorders that are going through Lord Joe's head. If you little men really do want to run around and pretend to exist then make yourselves useful.
Ha. We showed them. Now even the tiny invisible legions will be forced into slavery as Lord Joe takes yet another vast domain under our control. Go ahead Mr. Brave man, reply to that if you can. But remember, your little minions are working for us now, and they know where you live. >:)