(no subject)

Oct 01, 2005 12:03

"Think about your direct bodily experience in life.
No one can lie to you about that.

How many hours a day do you spend in front of a television screen? A computer screen? Behind an automobile screen? What are you being screened from? How much of your life comes at you through a screen, vicariously while you sit and watch. Is watching things as exciting as doing things? Do you have enough time to do all the things you want to? Do you even have enough energy to?
Do you think for yourself, independently, or do you take others' word for truth? How often do you find yourself repeating something you herad another say wtiihout it having any bearing on your personal experience; your personal truth? How many hours a day do you sleep? How are you affected by standardized time, designed solely to synchronize your movements with those billions of other people? How long do you go without knowing what time it is? Who or what controls YOUR minutes and hours? The minutes and hours that add up to your life.
How do you feel in large crowds of anonymous masses? Do you find yourself blocking your emotional responses to other human beings? Can you put a value on a beautiful day? How many dollars an hour salary does it take to stay inside and sell things or file papers for someone else? What will you get later that will make up for this day of your life? How many days have you given to such things?(years?!)

Do you have ideas or do ideas have you?"
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