Nov 10, 2008 21:26
Anyone remember how in The Langoliers' film, from Stephen King, that crazy douchebag that was sitting there ripping newspaper because it helped him relax? For some reason I have always remembered that scene in particular. When I was little I actually tried it. I have done this a couple times through out my life in fact. You know what? I really do find it relaxing, and soothing. Does that make me a little strange? Maybe, yes. Well, all of that aside.
Tonight, after I had smoked a generous amount, I started thinking to myself, "What if there was a large book specifically for ripping pages out to relax"? All the pages could be different kinds of paper, different textures, colors, thickness. Each rip would be a different kind of tear, sound, and feel.
I know this sounds completely bizarre but think about it. If it does in fact help people to cope with certain anxieties and disorders of that kind, it could be used as a therapy, home OR medical. I would then be the founder of a brand new coping mechanism. This, my friends, would then put me up for some great medical invention award. A savior? No...But hey, I'd most likely be rich.
Thank you, Stephen King.