So. This morning I took some cold medicine. But, I took the night-time kind instead of day-time. I was like..going cross-eyed in English, so my mom just came and got me. Now I'm just sitting here talking with my brother and Danny (bassist in band). I'm bored. I'm loopy. And I'm reading notes from middle school.
Hey chicka whatcha doin? Me, just chillin in Teen Leadership. What r u up to? O, I already asked that but o well. You know who James is going out with? Meagan Muhlstein! I thought that he was gonna ask Audrey back out! But o well! How can you write like this? It's confusing! I told Sean no, cause we are good friends and I don't want a boyfriend. I don't wanna bf, I wasn't lying! I think I'm getting over Taylor cause I don't really like him anymore. Do you still like him? That was kinda mean what he did to you tho, OMG! You know Courtney Windham? Well last year we were like best friends and this year she like ignores me! She makes me so mad! She kissed Chandler at Desiree's party! Who do you like these days? I still like James a little but not a lot. Sorry my pencil ran out of led! Anyways, would you be mad at Payton and Taylor if they went out? There not going to cause she has a bf! I like Matt James, well I just think he's cute. I know writing like this is messy cause you couldn't tell what I was writing. What are you gonna be for Halloween? I dunno what I'm doing. I dunno what I'm gonna be. Are you gonna be something? I'm trying to write big so I don't have to write a lot! What did you do all weekend besides invite people over and not invite me? Just kidding. Anyways, I'm trying to write big cause this note is boring. Anyways, ok finally! Got to go. Love ya lots! Write back ASAP! <3 Andrea
Wow. We were so cool.
Cept not.