I memorized his telephone number when I was 5 years old...and I still remember it. (and the number hasn't changed) How amazing is that?
Nobody noticed that I had dyed my hair blonde. Or, if they did, they didn't say anything to me about it.
(That was a sarcastic comment)
I have a box in my backyard that has been buried there since I was in 7th grade. I haven't thought about it in a long time. I really want to go look in it. But, I can't. Only a year and a half left.
I got the sweetest, bestest card today. It made me smile so big. The most genuine smile I've had in a long time.
I had a really good piece of gum today.
Don't you hate how no matter how nice you can be to certain people, they're still so rude to you? I wish I could be like that sometimes.
I like to sing.
And I really like my job.
So I chose 'self-mutilation'.
Self-mutilation is a maladaptive coping mechanism. Approximately 1% of the U.S. population uses physical self-injury as a way of dealing with overwhelming feelings or situations, often using it to speak, when no words come.
Different variations of self-mutilation include cutting, carving, biting, scratching, branding, marking, burning, bruising, hitting, and picking or pulling hair and skin. All of them hurt and all of them cause some sort of damage to one's body.
It is NOT self-injury, however, if the purpose is for sexual gratification, body decoration, spiritual ritual, or fitting in or "being cool".
People self-mutilate for many different reasons. Some inflict harm on themselves to have some sense of control. Everything else is crumbling around them and they can't do anything about it. Self-mutilation is something one can control. Some are seeking attention or using self-injury as a way of communication.
Self-harm reduces psychological tension rapidly. It relieves pressure and leaves one with a calmer feeling.
Self-mutilation is not a suicide attempt, but more of a way of staying alive.
(I'm not giving out his sn): for the next hour and 12 mintues will you be my Valentine?
Kate, your the best i can surely hope that the next hour and 10 minutes are the most best in your life...and so on and so on. you a great person and God loves you with all his heart and his soul...have a great rest of the day! love FLORIDA
That made my night.