hebfwdisdjcn i have to pee!!!!!

Jul 02, 2004 19:31

i played tennis today with my dad, and wowo its a work out! haha its a really good work out, but its hard. and my dad said that if i get really good then any college in the country would give me a scholership they woudl do anything for good tennis players and my dad said they pay for alll of your education and everything they would even send you a limo and everything just to go to there college! hahha, btu yea i dont think i'll get that good.

ive been thinking about my friends and ive been thinking how much i love them! like there so great, i dont know what i would do without them, to me a bestfirend is someone who is there for me and doesnt force me to do things and somone who mkaes me laughing and smling all the time and just someoen who makes me feel good, and when i talk to them i cant stop smiling or cant stop laughing. i dont know. but even if i havent knwown them for a long time i just know.

bffeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeae ARE------
autumn snyder- wowo ok how could you NOT be my best friend!? liek hello good times since we were five! like- lake arrowhead, big bear with your family, big bear ith my family, our birthday partys! sheze were do i begin and were do i end!?

alex jancich- alex oh alex! i love you so much i dont know theres something abotu you that makes me smile and laugh and just ahh! i dont know you just ....just i dont know yo make me feel like the world is filled with lollipops and ballons w/ rainbows on them! you take all my worrys away.thanks

olivia patterons- wowo, i cant stop laughing when im with you! especiily when wyou do that accent liek you a southern bitch ahha!. and your so much fun to be with the only time your not friendly/nice is when your asllep! i mean i tried to put a blanket on you and you kicked me! hahagood times

elise hinson- haha! you make me simle no matter what the sitatuion is!. ever since second grade i still ddint forget you and then we met again! and boy am i glad. in any situaon u make everythign so simple. and your so beautiful! i mean haha dont worry even though someone stole your stuff with no makeup your still a gorgeous, doll! haha, love

kiley haber!!!- wowo i mean i havent even knwonw you for very long and i just love you so much, everything abotu you i love, like the blondest brunette you wil ever meet! haha, yea power to dumb bruenntes, such as you and i! hahah woo woo your so funyn and even though you coudln figure out how to open my car door or close it its ok!, ahah i still love you!

little mrs.breejette bradley!- haha wowo you do the best voice impressions and your so much fun to be with! i've known you for as long as ive known kiley and your just so loveable! and funny/fun! haha ok well, im just so glad that we became friends and if we didnt i wouldnt have ever laughed, thanks for being there for me to when kenzie had a seacure , and thanks for being there when all the mexicans were going to jump our asses! and hey if we did get jumped at least it would have been together!<3

ok if i just named you that means beach day fo sho!!

you guys are my bffeaeaeae && i love you.

bye the way, hillary shreve! i love you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plans soon!! i love you!!!!!!<33333
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