I have THREE summer jobs!
- Chuckwagon (where i've worked every summer for the past 3 years. It's just a tiny "hotdog stand" and mini golf course in rose. Nothing fun.)
-Photographer (For my mother's school; a preschool. I went in a few weeks ago and took a bunch of rolls of film, and then my mom has been showing people at work them. And her boss's boss really likes them, and asked me to work this summer for them taking candid shots of the kids. I'm really excited about this one. I'll more than likely be considered a "substitute" and be getting paid by the hour. Plus free film. Sweet deal.)
-New Dimensions ( This won't only be a summer job, i'll keep it all throught next year too more than likely. It's the photo studio in Newark that does a lot of senior and family portraits. I won't be taking photos or anything here, mostly just taking care of orders, and then helping the people who come in to have their photos taken get ready, and mainly just office stuff. But i'm hoping to absorb as much as i can. I mean it's not my ideal job, but i'll be able to get in a lot of work, which means a lot of money, PLUS it'll look good on resume's and applications and what such.)
I have a new Baby:
I got it on Tuesday. It's a brand new Nikon N80 35mm SLR camera with a built in flash,
with a Nikon AF Nikkor 28-100mm lense.
I'm still trying to figure out how to use all of it's functions, it's tricky.
But yeah, i'm pretty much in love with it.
My Wish List:
Sony Bean Mp3 player. 1GB . $130
(Plan to buy soon, now that i'm starting work and i'll have the money.)
Nikon D200 Digital SLR camera. 10.2 megapixels. around $2000
(don't plan on having until i graduate)
+ lots of cute shoes and bags and clothes. hehe. I'm such a girl.
These are only a couple of the photographs i took at my mother's school.
They're scanned negatives.
Kids are soo cute it's amazing.
I'm excited to get back there too take some better photos with my new camera.
grrrr.. my computer is being dumb. And i don't want to loose what i have so far, so i'll continute with a few more photos in a new entry at a later date.
Peace out <3