Aug 06, 2004 01:16
1. name : amanda kay maine
2. nicknames : superman, manda, mandy, kay, manman.
sex : female
4. birthday : 9-11-85
5. age : 19
6. star sign : virgo
7. place of birth : wise
8. current residence : Coeburn
9. hair color : -bown
10. eye color : brown
11. height : 6 even
12. writing hand : right
13. do you bite your nails :sometime!
14. can you roll your tongue : Of course ;)
16. can you raise one eyebrow at a time : yeah
17. can you blow smoke rings : nope
18. can you blow spit bubbles : haha * yeah
19. can you cross your eyes : Yes
20. colored hair :yep
21. tattoos and where : None as of now-
22. piercings and where : ears*
23. do you make your bed daily : yep
25. which shoe goes on first : left
26. speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone : yes
27. how much money is usually in your wallet : Depends. . .
28. what jewelry do you wear 24/7 : none.
29. whats sexiest on a guy : shoulders
30. whats sexiest on a gurl : nuttin
31. would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great : Depends on what's the occasion?
32. do you twirl your spagetti or cut it : twirl
33. what utensils do you use eating pizza : fingers :)~
34. do you cook : Love 2!
35. how often do you brush your teeth : mornin and night
36. how often do you shower/bathe : 1, maybe 2, times daily-depends on what i've done throughout the day!
37. how long do these showers last : anywhere from 10-30?
38. hair drying method : air dry.
39. do you paint your nails: sometimes*
40. do you swear : nope. .
41. do you mumble to yourself : Constantly.
42. do you spit in public : no?
43. do you pee in the shower : no
44. in the cd player : usher
45. person you talk most on the phone with: lisa
46. what color is your bedroom : blue
47. do you use an alarm clock : Yes
48. name one thing or person you're obsessed with?: A few things i guess?
49. have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex : nope
50. ever sunbathed in the nude : nope.
51. window seat or aisle : Window
52. whats your sleeping position : On my side, arm and leg over a pillow-i'm a cuddle bug*hehe
53. what kind of bed do you like : Not picky.
54. in hot weather do you use a blanket : YES* i have to at least have a sheet over me.
55. do you snore : nope
56. do you sleepwalk : Never have.
57. do you talk in your sleep: Yesss*lol!
58. how about the light on: None, except from my open window in the morning time.
59. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on : yep
60. had sex : never
61. were kissed or kissed someone : 2 months
62. watched bambi : way back when!
63. cried : yesterday
64. talked on the phone : today
65. read a book : a couple days ago-currently starting another.
67. punched someone : long time
68. where do you see yourself ten years from now : Hopefully happy and successful- can't be exact!
69. who are you gonna be married to and where: dont know?
70. how many kids do you want to have : Don't want kids, never have.
71. your profession : Undecided.
72. future school : ^ refer to above ^
73. who is your best friend : I have a lot of friends!
74. what friend do you hang out with the most: lisa
75. what friend makes you smile the most : All of them! =D
76. friend that you fight with the most : None really?
77. one you talk to the most online : lisa, shawn
78. friend that you miss the most : Jared.
79. how old were you when you had your first boyfriend/girlfriend : 7th grade
80. do you currently have a boyfriend/girlfriend : Nah.
81. do you want a boyfriend/girlfriend : *yes*
82. why or, why not : cause?
83. have you ever cheated on anyone : No.
84. has anyone ever cheated on you : everyone of them
85. have you ever really been in love : Never- don't believe in it!
86. have you ever told someone you loved them without meaning it : nope
87. do you have a crush on anyone : Sure.
88. does this person know you like him/her : Yuh-huh.
89. how long have you liked this person : hm* good question? 6th grade
90. is music important to you : Very
91. do you sing? : Yeah- how good is another Q*
92. what instruments do you play? : none
94. what do you think of Eminem : Cute
95. in your opinion, what band is the best of all time? dont know
: DO YOU LiKE...
96. pop music : Yeah
97. rock music : nope
98. punk music : nope
99. rap music: Yes
100. hip-Hop/RB : Yes
101. country : Yep
102. jazz : yeah
103. classical : Oddly enough- i really do!
104. new age: nope
105. what is one band/singer you absolutely love that no one else does or seems to have heard about: everyone has heard of him. josh turner and KENNY CHESNEY