Jan 31, 2005 15:50
have you ever felt like you are alone? like you have everyone around you, but there not there at the same time? im in one of those moods today. I feel like the whole worlds just turned there backs on me, but i know its not true. its soo weird, ugh im so messed up right now, like once i got home today all i wanted to do was cry, but today at school i was in such a good mood. all smiles and laughs. its ridiculous. maybe its because when im at school i dont think about things, but when i get home i over think everything and make such a big deal about it that i drive myself crazy.
also another thing is i have been getting soo pissed off about little things this one person has been doing, and i know that they are only doing to to piss me off because of what i did. but i came to the conclusion that im jealous. i can't believe it either but i am. but its not for normal reasons its because of what they had, and what i want but dont have... yet. but i just cant worry about it right Jordan? wow i love you, you honestly make things so much easier for me, just you being there to talk to. your such an amazing friend!
Thats all for now... practice is soon.
oh begging God please, send me an angle for the heavens above*
never change yourself just to get what you think you want*
Never forget to tell the people you love that you love them. you never know when your chance is to late. And never ever take one moment for grantee
Thank you for everything new and old just because *AkH. LeJ. BkH. ClH. TaC. JeB.*