Nov 05, 2009 22:35
My dad hit my car this morning, smashed in my front grill and dented the hood. He then proceeded to lie about it.
At like 8:30 this morning, while Ivana and I were getting ready for work, he came into our room and all serious-like he asks, "How did you mess up your car?" I was confused because when I got home last night it was fine and dandy. I looked at him and said "What the fuck are you talking about?" and he's like, "the front of your car is smashed and your hood is messed up". I looked at it and saw the dent and where it was hit and how. I IMMEDIATLY knew he did it, because of where his big ass car was parked (in front of mine) and it is obvious (even to a total fucking idiot) that it was the hitch of his car that caused the main dent and the giant hole in my cars grill.
Not only did he lie, but he very seriously ACCUSED ME of doing the damage myself and said, "What the hell were you doing?!". I'm so fucking angry that he would do such a dick thing and then lie about it and try to put it off on me. What a dad.... I mean, if he already fucked it up, why not just apologize? He's my dad and I'm obviously not going to claim any insurance or sue him or whatever, so why not just admit to it? I haven't said anything to him about it, because I know me yelling won't magically repair the damage that was done to my car, but this has upset me so much, it's fucking ridiculous.