Nov 25, 2005 09:35
The Atlantic is cold.
The Atlantic is hateful, it is dreary, doleful, revengeful and spiteful. It takes what it wants, and spits the driftwood back up on to shore. It is even resentful against the moon, who it unwillingly follows and is pulled up onto land where the water fights and struggles by crashing down and turning white at the tips.
The moon screams, "Why are you so angry! Why can't you just calmly rest and turn your stormy waves into smooth currents? Why can't you be like the Pacific!"
The Atlantic strikes back, "I have long lost everything I once had to the bottom of the sandy, apathetic ocean floor. I am merciless. I can't have what I want, so I enslave everything and everyone who dares to break through my coastline. Do you remember Moon, when I used to be friendly? Do you remember when my waters were not so cold, and when my salt would not burn your eyes so badly?"
The Moon replies, "That was long ago Atlantic. I can see you are no longer filled with compassion, but you are filled with hardship and hurt feelings. Why is this?"
The Atlantic hinders to let out a low roar as a tidal wave slams down onto the front of the water.
"Because I used to feel cared for! I just want to be Panthalassa again! Why did Pangea have to break apart, Moon?"
"Things change Atlantic. The land masses moved, and they moved on, as you should. You can not keep living in the past Atlantic, Pangea is no more. And you are no longer Panthalassa, you are The Atlantic."
"No! That is not my name. I refuse to be tamed. I will come and go as I wish. I will captivate you, make you think that my waters could comfort you, then I will leave you for dead. I will lash out and deprive you of everything you once had. I will make you question everything you once knew until you are begging me for answers. Don't act like you know me so well Moon!"
After The Atlantic was through, the East Coast was never the same