May 11, 2008 01:24
The protest was decent, I guess. I got there at around 11:30 and didn't leave until it ended at 4. Andrew and I had been up for about 22 hours when the protest ended.
I thought we were getting followed by a sci-fag on the way home, but I'm not sure if that's really what it was.
I'm planning on going to a social meeting with them in a couple of weeks.
Uhm... Yeah.
Overall I was very disappointed. The morale just wasn't high enough and all these speeches that we were supposed to have didn't really happen. Plus the music failed. It makes me wonder why we wasted so much money on a sound permit. Next time we need to do more chants, we need to have more speeches, and we need to make sure that people aren't just being dicks and standing around in circles and talking amongst themselves. At least half of the protesters need to be holding signs and at least half of who's left needs to be doing something meaningful like handing out fliers, co-ordinating patrol groups, giving a speech, etc.
In comparison to March, this protest was made of fail. The weather was way worse and we were way less prepared but we still managed to say more, have more energy, and stay more united throughout the entire thing in March.