I have NEVER been to a convention as big as anime detour.
3000 people. 3000 PEOPLE. CONvergence has a mere 2600 or so. And their hotel is way bigger.
I'm getting nervous. That is way too many people.
New hotel for them next year, meaning more attendees. I'm scared. The new hotel will not be near the mall apparently. That's sad.
So... yeah. That's all. Wait, no it's not!
PEOPLE! JOIN MY D&D GROUP. SRSLY. It's level 1! That means it is super easy and even the most beginnery of beginners will be able to play and understand and enjoy it. And total not-beginnery 5-year veterans will also enjoy it. It will be on the weekends, every other weekend. Time and exact day are flexible.
Oh, and check this out!