Jul 21, 2005 12:03
When you go "crazy", it's not that you lose your mind. The fact is, you can sense it coming from a mile away, but you're shy (see also: embarrassed, dismissive, mute) to tell someone your screws are slowly loosening. By the time you confront those screws, they're already too loose, and most have come out entirely and rolled to the empty recesses of your mind. Even a doctor doesn't have a drill with enough precision to put them all back in the right place. Once this happens, the machinery gets jammed, but you can still think logically. Hell, you could even live normally if you really tried. But the simple fact of the matter is, you just start to give up.
The problem nowadays is that all the symptoms of one disease could be those of another. Cramping? Frequent urination and irritability? Vaginal discharge. Well, you're pregnant (see also: chlamydia, gonorrhea, anxiety, urinary tract infection).
We live our lives as fearful beings. People in positions of power tell us feeling a little tired and hungry means you could be a perfect candidate for SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). "Oh, so at times, you're really happy, and then you crash? Well, that means you, my friend, obviously have Manic Depression. I'll hop you so full of drugs you won't be able to distinguish a baby from a fire hydrant, and once a week you'll talk to a private psychologist at $400 an hour." "Oh thank you doctor, you've saved my life!"
So many diseases, so little time...
Money is Power. Power is Authority. Authority pushes everyone around, and everyone takes it like a cheap prostitute with a wealthy man. That's the way I see it.
But then again, I'm just one of the crazies you always hear about. What say do I have in anything?
CRAZY? I was crazy once. They put me in this room....a padded room. Then I died. Then they buried me with the squiggly-wiggly worms. Those worms are so crazy! CRAZY? I was crazy once. They put me in this room....a padded room. Then I died. Then they buried me with the squiggly-wiggly worms. Those worms are so crazy! CRAZY? I was crazy once.