laast night

Aug 16, 2005 11:07

i went to the fair last night. i got home from practice, and as soon as i walked in brian called me and asked me to come with him. so jumped in the QUICKEST shower of my life, threw some clothes on, did something with my uncontrollable hair and by that time he was here. i was very surprised my mumma let me lol. shes so stupid she gave him the little "wear your seatbelts, drive safe and slow, im trusting you" speech. and said i had to be home by 11. oh well. but yeah it was pretty fun actually. rode the zipper and this other really cool ride. we met up with ben damon, and a few of his friends. kinda awkward because i dont know them, but we ended up kinda goin off on our own anyways lol.

OH haha, then i saw dustin and troy :| i was like OH SHIT. so they come runnin up to me yellin my name, and brian and them were goin to do their thing so i told him to just meet me in a few minutes at the gate. so i talked with dustin(he looked fuckin hot!) and troy for a while. met his mom. she seems cool. i liked her hair. haha. umm dustin was bein gay he was all like "so i see you came with your boyfriend huh? can i talk to him" im like ummm nooo. then after like wat seemed like an hour of standing and talking with them i was like ya i have to go. and found brian and walked around some more. went and watched the demo derby thingy. the figure eight?? ya that was fun. then we left. did some 'dukes of hazard' shit on the way home haha. SCARY.
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