(no subject)

Oct 11, 2010 10:44

Another weekend off, and it was pretty busy for me. My sister, Norma, in the army returned home for a week before setting off for Hawaii. So family timez. I'm trying to push into taking my vacation next year on going to Hawaii while my sister is there. I took care of my other sister's kids for a little while and got little Miguelito into Birth by Sleep while the girls got into Super Smash Brothers Brawl. <3

I finished my Yuna Thief costume and took pics this weekend. There's a link to my ACP above. I'm pretty happy with the way it came out. I fixed up and styled my Yuna wig a lot better than before from what I did with Gunner.

So now that my X-2 Yuna remake costumes, next comes my FFVIII costume remakes. Raine Loire is done and for some reason I lost my Matron dress. I'm not sure if I threw it away thinking I'd never wear it again, but oh well. I did need to remake it after all so I stopped by Hancock's yesterday and got some fabric for it.

I think my AC isn't working right again. :(
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