Long time no update. Sorry for the lack of commenting, LJ friends. T___T
But anyhoo. Last night I watched "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." It was awesome. The theatre was packed and Jen and I had to stand in line for an hour. (The line went all the way to the exit doors. o___O) But it was worth it. Unfortunately, I didn't even read the book. (Some fan I am.) So I really didn't have anything to compare it with. Usually, when I watch HP movies i'll be like "Hey .. they cut this and that out." or "This is going to happen next." :/ Oh well, i'll buy the book next week to compare. I have alot of catching up to do. haha. :*(
The infamous bath scene. (I know yooou like it. *cough* Alexis *cough* hahaha.)