Good weekend..

May 07, 2005 17:12

Summer's guna be fuckin' kickass, like the last one.

Damn son;; May already. Amazing!
There's 20 more days, including the weekend til' school is out. Thank god.

/ok, Thursday morning I woke up and it felt like someone was kickin' me in the right side. I went to the doctor and found out that I either have a.. kidney infection, kidney stones or a urinary infection. I'm on meds right now, and the pain's starting to go away;; hopefully that's the end of that. I'm still scared I've got a damn kidney stone! Ahh;; That'd suck.

The madre and I went to McD's, ate some breakfast.. or I guess I should say that I attempted to. I laid down for a bit and watched The Nightmare Before Christmas, which I had never seen before keep in mind. I fell asleep during the movie and then my baby called around 3 and asked me if he could come pick me up from school. Long story short, I watched Garden State and then he came over. I thought it was guna be our last night together for a while, once again. We hung out for a while, and watched Saw;; good lord. The movie wasn't that scary, it's just freaky that someone actually made that movie and the thought that someone could ever think about being that freakin' sick. Word, then we found another movie to watch.. 'Up the Paddle', haha. I love spending time with him. <3 After the movie his padre came to pick him up and as soon as he left I passed out.

Rawr, I don't know what day it was.. but I got on AOL to like play a game or something. My account had been "inactivated". Fuck that. I sent dad an email and he called me later that night, so right now he's turned it back on. I was just afraid that I lost all my school crap and pictures. Thank goodness I didn't.

THIS WEEKEND = "fut-ching" awesome.

Yesterday, I woke up and felt like shit again.. but I went into school at 4th period;; that period is such a bitch now- Haley knows what I'm talking about. I made it through the school day. I was guna go to a movie with this cool kid;; damn progress reports! :( I was guna clean my room, but that kinda went down the drain. I went to La Carreta with Haley to grab some dinner! We we're trying to find something to go and do.. but couldn't figure out anything. Andrew had to go home cause he got in trouble. :( I got a call from Barry before we ate saying that he hadn't left.. good lord, I'm confused. Don't get me wrong I don't want him to leave at all, and I think it's great that I'm guna be able to spend more time with him, but it confuses me.. and almost feels like he isn't here.. cause I've already got really upset about it and said bye to him. Anyways my baby ended up showing up and good lord ate a shit load of food! <33 Then Robert came to say hey, and we ended up stopping by my house to give him part of his birthday present, that was major late. It wasn't much, but hell.. it's ok. I still haven't gotten him the full present. Anyways.. we ended up going back to his house to chill. I've actually been in his house now! haha. [[Have you ever tried to put the basketball in uh, yah;; lovin' the drivin';;wobble wobble shake it shake it drop it drop it take it take it;;brandom games;; up the paddle;; futchit;; word up.. good times!!!!]] Haley's madre was guna pick her up at my house around 11:30ish, so we headed back to my house, so Haley had to leave.. and then Barry passed out on my couch. I just chilled and helped mom with some stuff until his dad came to pick him up, then I went to sleep.

Today I had an awesome day;; I got to catch up with my favorite. :) We went to Mario's pizza to grab a bite to eat. [[Tetris;; Do you always think that? Nah, I don't think. Oh, so you run into walls!]] We were guna go get flowers for his mom and gma at a flower place.. but we stopped by the Pipe Store to get R's lighter, where perverted Wade was. His lighter's still not working right, oh well. I went back to the pimpin' house and became GOD.. [[We're fuckin' God, we can walk across water!;; Computer time;; Random Westerns;; dood, where'd I go?;; Comfy?]] About 7:3oish we headed over to the mall;; and there was like a fire or an emergancy or whatever. We both were just like hey, let's keep walking around cause we're that cool. I went into that Bombay Company store to uh, do some shopping. There was NO ONE in the store;; it was really spooky.. Movie feeling-ness kicked in. We got back into the car and couldn't figure out where to go. Then it hit me. We went to World Market and spent like an hour and a half in there, til' they closed picking out stuff for our madres. Yess, we're cool!! [[Do you see a pig?;; Ew, that coffee was gross;; i never got a boat, 'emember that?;; look 20% off, yesss!;; kitchen supplies next!]] Then we tried to figure out what we were guna eat for dinner.. Qudoba's, or however you spell it was closed so we went to Ishi's;; that random jap resturant on Stratford. We walked in like 20 minutes before they closed so we got our own little cornor! haha.. Then I got to hide in the back for 12, just cause I'm that cool. We chilled with some peoples and then I came home. Whoa, what a night.. I miss that kid. :( [[What if we both drowned in the bottom of your pool?]] I didn't end up seeing Barry. :(

Oh and fuckin' CROSSFADE IS COMING. Fuck yes. [[Ziggy's & The House of Blues]]

I love Barrington. Y *wink*

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