Nov 17, 2008 16:48
Well I ended up really not liking Quinnipiac. My roomate turned out to be a huge d-bag..we live in the same apartment but we pretend we are both not alive. I haven't talked to her in like 2 weeks. Also grades wise I'm doing so poorly, I have a D and C. It's just so frustrating for the amount of work that I've done. I decided like a few weeks ago that I'm going to transfer back to UMass. I talked it through with people that are close to me and for the amount of money I'll be saving I think it's worth it to go back. I think I need that sense of independence back, instead of staying at home so much. I have a while until UMass though...January 26th. This week is going to be a little hectic but next week we have off for Thanksgiving. This weekend I'm going to Boston with Meg's family to watch her sister's play, they are getting a hotel, and it has an indoor pool and I just can't wait to swim, idk why, i guess cause it will remind me of summer. Then Sunday I'll probably end up at Jon's apartment. Even though I'm home a lot I'm excited for next week. I'll have a reason to be home and Thanksgiving is good food and happy people. Anddd when Thanksgiving is over it's Christmas spirit crazy. I got a job at Sports Authoirty for the winter season. I went today for a short training session but it seems like it will be an easy job and easy money. Plus I get a nice discount aka I'm buying everybody's gift there. Good thing I got a job because I really needed money. Hopefully I can learn to save some of it up so I'm not broke when school starts again. I'd rather not work if I can, maybe I'll try to get the easy cashier job that I had last year back. Pick up some random hours to keep a steady cash flow. Well once this week is over I think things will start looking up, I've been kinda depressed lately because when I'm home I feel gay and when I'm at my apartment I feel lonely. The only time I really feel happy is if Jon or Meghan comes home on the weekend....I hope next semester at UMass i fall back into the swing of things with the friends I had and I make some new ones as well....the part I'm most nervous about is housing because I get shafted and I don't get to choose until late.