ACen journal (FINALLY!)

May 09, 2006 20:55

Yes, I am fully aware that it is tuesday night, and ACen was last weekend, but I haven't been able to get online at ALL recently. Okay, I was originally going to post the pictures in here, but Laino is having problems uploading them, so it may be awhile...

Here's a rundown of the days...

Thursday: After staying afterschool, I rushed home and started packing, because I was too lazy to do it before >.< I am procrastinator extraordinare, hear me roar. So, after packing my clothes and speed-cleaning, I waited with Sara-mander for Ash to come pick us up. She dropped us off at Laino's house while she went to deposit the money for our hotel room. At Laino's, I borrowed some clothing pieces, because I had only half-outfits and Laino has nice clothes. I borrowed a checkered tie, A black blazer, white knee-highs and black loose socks. She also gave me a heart-shaped lipgloss compact which was too cute to even exist <3 *swoon* She has a matching one, but it broke ;.; So, anyway, we all hopped into the Ash-mobile and went shopping at aldi's because we're fucking poor and we got sick off of all of the junk food we ate last year.

So basically we shopped, which was about as fun as can be expected. Then we headed to Ash's house, where her dog Macy decided she hated us (soooo cute though <3 )We watched the first Paranoia Agent DVD and went to bed. I couldn't really sleep, but it wasn't from excitement, it was basically because I had heartburn to hell and felt like shit. I had thought I was the only one with insomnia, but apparently Sara couldn't sleep either, because a few minutes later, I turned over and she was playing Nintendogs... We had a brief conversation that went something like this:

Me: You still up?
Sara: Yeah
Me:... ... ... I gotta pee
Sara:. . . Me too
Me: Let's go then

So, we went pee, and noticed that the Ash left a candle burning in the bathroom, so we blew it out and drank about a billion paper cups of water before going back into the room, where I finally fell asleep. (it was about 3:00 am)

Friday: Woke up at about 8:15, and washed my hair in the sink, because I had no time for a shower. My outfit of the day was a black blazer with black pants and a white buisness shirt. I wore Laino's checkered tie and my eyepatch over my left eye. Basically, I looked retarded until we got to ACen, but eh, it's not like I care what people in my hometown think of me... So we packed into the car, where I slept for most of the trip. Apparently I missed seeing a bloodsplattered part of the road, which I was told looked like a murder scene (Damn... I always miss the good stuff). When I woke up, we were in milwaukee. A few hours more and we were there (I would talk more about the car ride, but I've basically said it all...) We saw a cosplayer on the walkway to the convention center... our very first cosplayer.. and guess who it was??? A cute ROXAS~! it had to be a good sign~!we walked into the part of the convention center where ACen was held last year and...

.... ... "what the hell?"

there was like nothing there. So, after wandering stupidly and using the facilities, we headed dumbly up the escalator and found that it had been moved to the upstairs, which trully kind of sucked hardcore, because even though it wasn't as packed, it was just too open. We got in the line for pre-reg. when Laino saw a pyramid head and nurse cosplay couple, so I saved her spot and she snagged a shot of them. After getting our shiz, we walked over to the vendor area with all the music stuff. A lot of d'espairs ray stuff, but that was kind of to be expected. The woman running the booth, Mari, was really cool <3 we all talked for a while and she even gave us free pins <3 Apparently she works with the band, but she was really cool, so it wasn;t a "I'm so jealous I could kill this stupid bitch" type of situation. So after that Sara, Ash and Laino spent some money, but I didn't buy anything (I never really do, I'm mostly there for the Anime stuff, the music stuff is just like a perk for me, plus, what would be the point? I'll just let Sara-mander buy those kinds of things). So after that I walked around and finally decided to buy a FFVII advent children Tifa play arts. It was really dumb, because one vendor was charging $55.00 for it, and the one I bought it from was only $22.00. Anyway, we looked around and found the same chibi advent children keychains I bought on e-bay, and Laino got pressured into buying them. The vendor didn't speak very good english, but it was kind of funny. He was selling them for $18.00, and asked if I was going to buy them too. I held up my purse, where they were attatched and said "I already bought them on E-bay" he asked how much and he didn't seem to believe me when I said "$12.00" Then he tried to change the subject, and was all like "You two, ... sisters?" (I did not mess with that english,that's how he said it) to me and Laino, so we were all "No, no, we're not related" and he just replied "Oh, look very much alike" >p nah, we don't really look alike, people are just crazy. So anyway, he looks at me once more and says "$12.00 on e-bay is very good deal" and sold 'em to Laino for $16.00 XD on the way out, two girls stopped me and Laino and wanted our picture... >///< we weren't even cosplaying, but it's still flattering...

So after that, Ash and Sara decided we were going to go back to the hotel and chill out for awhile. So, we checked out our room after searching the parking garage for like... 30 minutes for Ash's car... because we forgot where we parked... =.=; So anyway, we checked out our room and went back out to the game room, where we watched this...ahem... HUGE guy play "Parapara dancing"...I have deduced that you cannot look good playing that game... even people playing DDR look cooler, and they're seizure dancing... So after that got old (real fast, actually) we sat upstairs in boredom until we saw...

A Silent Hill movie Pyramid head cosplayer. We all freaked and got a picture of course, because he did a really good job... I dunno about Sara-mander and Ash, but me and Laino were blushing for some reason. So after that we were chilling out until we saw the unholiest of unholy... The worst Riku cosplay I have ever seen. So, of course we took his picture XD he thought he was sooo badass, but really he was a loser. So, after that we went back to the hotel room and watched some shit before sleeping.

Saturday: Woke up to some idoit outside our door, talking loudly about their cosplay. I rolled out of bed followed by Laino and shortly after Ash and Sara got up. My outfit of the day was a black lolita-esque lipservice dress I bought at hot topic with the blazer over it, it looked school-uniformy and ultra-cute. With that I wore the white knee-highs and the black baggy socks. I also wore Laino's lolita headband. I was gonna wear my eyepatch again, but it broke ;.; we headed out, and in the parking garage, someone said I looked "Really cute" which was nice, because I usually don't get compliments on my looks. We walked around the hotel and looked at poorly done cosplays (it was mostly in the details)Another person asked for Laino and my picture,so we did our stereotypical pose...We knew there was a Kingdom Hearts cosplay group meeting at noon, so we HAD to go to that. Me and Laino were psyched. We took a few group pictures, then seperates of a Demyx crossplayer (YAY! a Demyx~!) and a cute Roxas who was duel-wielding Yaoi paddles. In the hallway we saw a Axel crossplayer. who did an excellent job. There was also a 40 year old man cosplaying as Sora and a Luigi who was freaking dorky... XD it was sooo nerdy. We looked for Karaoke, but apparently they weren't doing it this year, so instead we went to the second floor and took "secret" pictures of bad cosplayers riding the escalator. I got a good shot of another Pyramid head on the escalator, which looks really cute. Anyway, then Laino and I went out that night (got stopped in the hall for another picture) and tried to get into the soap bubble, but the line was like a mile long, so we were all "Fuck that". We saw the same Roxas cosplayer we saw on day one, and we had a weird eye-contact moment... he probably thought I was stalking him... (I wasn't! ;.; ) After that we went to the game room where A guy asked us to sign his yaoi paddle, I think he was trying to get 300 signatures. In exchange, he got to spank us (it's not how it sounds) and we got to spank him back, but we couldn't use the side of the paddle, 'coz someone got him in the back of the legs with it before and he thought he was crippled, and we couldn't use two hands ;.; I should've got him harder XD

So after that we had to go back and sleep... which sucked... I can't wait until next year, when I'm 18...

Sunday: Sunday, we packed our bags and came home... basically that's all... I wore my semi-oshare outfit... it's not really oshare... I just say that to make myself feel better... anyway.. there will be more on this later.
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