
Sep 05, 2007 14:21

Today I went to my Drawing and Painting Seeing Florence class even though I was wait listed. We didn't learn anything, but we took cabs downtown to buy our supplies, which I couldn't do because I wasn't technically in the class. Of course, as I knew this would happen, I just checked my schedule as soon as I got back to school and now I AM in the class. The pro is I'm in the class, the con is my supplies are about 195.00euro and I didn't get them when I was there. Oh well at least I get to take the class it seems really, really great. I hope I do okay since I can only draw stick figures; there's a reason I'm a photographer.
I think I'm going to switch out of my Medici class. Not only are there tons of readings a week, but one book alone (which is only 100 pages) is 99.99euro. That's insane. And for what? So I'm looking into other options, it's looking slim but I'll figure it out. I wanted to maybe take their photography class here, just for the critique and pressure of working, but it doesn't meet when I can fit it into my retarded schedule.
I'm so excited to get my supplies and sketchbook I'm going to draw until my hand falls off! I better for 265.86300 U.S. dollars.
Yoga yesterday was really funny with Giorgi. I could understand the names of the positions, since they're not really in English anyways, but the rest made me giggle. The Italian language is so dramatic.
Maybe I'll go to Siena this weekend.
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