"Everyone who wants Ron Paul to win, follow these steps.
1 Register as a Republican so you can vote for him in the primaries. (Laws vary state to state.)
2 Email your friends everyday with YouTube segments.
3 Print flyers and post them everywhere in your neighborhood.
4 Know the rules of your state to electing the Republican Candidate
5 Contact/email news/media organization/personalities .
vote at nrsc . org, gopstrawpolls . com
[^ taken from a comment on the you tube video]
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Livejournal is a whole new monster. I had to look up how to post this video only to find out that you can just click a button to upload everything now [edit: which I tried to do and failed, thanks Homola]. I have never been one for politics, but I really think that the Busch administration (acting as puppets for a larger much more dangerous group of men) has opened people's eyes to the deterioration of our country. This has been going on for years. Thanks to good ole' Georgy the corruption has been brought to light. The Federal Reserve System is simply unconstitutional and one of the main causes of our national debt; meaning that your income taxes are paying off a national “debt” brought on by disgustingly rich men, for no justifiable reason. People tell me that Ron Paul has no chance, but the more signs, tshirts and online polls I see the more it reinforces that when someone speaks the truth people will listen and respond.
In other news, I'm moving to Italy in one week and will revive this journal to keep in contact with friends&family.