i'm rocking to WWS in the living room. ngahahhaha. i am such a poo-er. XD
*checks room for cameras*
solidair DROP ME A LINE!! i am soo excited. mothafuckarorzz!!111!11!!1!!1!!!1 i want et so badly. teh babeh! honestly, i want it.
otherwise i have to buy it and you'll have to host it. just for the sake of HAVING it. you know. haha. *inhales*
leadyouastray. will you forgive me my name-stealing? XD i just love *sighs*
anyways, i asked my brother to do something regarding your name. i dunno if you like. but though.
welcome back
_elbereth_. hope you liked your first week. :) anyways, i resized and upload some doggie-pictures. LOVE.
He is a goof. He hates water but though he sat next to us when we were fishing. He loves to create waves with his paws..XD. then the bit at the very beginning of the footbridge becomes wet and all glibbery. ..conclusion: goof-y dog falls into the water. mwahaha.
isn't he just cute? :D
lol. notice his paw on the remote control XD
freeeeedom. :D
he is sleeping on my lap. usually he is soooo active and never tired. but in this shot..he is. XD
LAZEH DOG!!! well. it was puring outside. XD ETA: HAHAH, MY FEET. *pees*
lol. that looks so funneh. like he's sitting on a toilet. XD
he is a labrador..means: a water lover. XD
mm. WET DOG! hot huh? XD
haha. charley in the water (the bright dots in the dark are his eyes and hi snack-thingy) and tobey is about to jump in as well. haha. :D
oh, and in other news:
what a post ♥