Feb 13, 2004 22:14
Woo. So yeah me and my mom started fighting again. Why cause all she does is complain about everything. She got a bunch of money from taxes. And bought me new shoes, which I love, they are pink and black chucks. So cute I love them. So then she said she would get me a new handbag. And all the ones I wanted she complained about. Then I wanted this really cute shirt from Pennys. And she made a big deal about it. Well it was $6. Not to mention I should of had $25, and she never gave me my money. Then she was looking at phones and I said I wanted a camera phone and she is like wait till your bday. Err. And she wouldnt buy me my 'Jesus is my homeboy shirt' that she promised she would. I love how she promises stuff and then like blows off everything. We are 'supposed' to go get me a car this weekend. And I bet they will blow that off, aswell. Thanks to them I will probably never get into college. Or nursing school. Nor drive. Since they wont let me get my permitt. They want me to get a job, which I have no problem with. Yet wont take me to get a app. anywhere. Yeah so that makes wonderful sense.
Err, I hate valentines day. In the mall they have like a million places set up with like ballons and stuff, I wanted to go pop them. Valentines day was made as Hallmarks wet dream. So they could sale more cards. Thats the only reason we celebrate it. For economy purposes. Special love to my valentines, Karlee, Kay and Kari. Haha.
I have so much to do, and I sit here and vent. And this isnt even venting. Since I dont have much to say. Except, that.. 1.Songs take to long to download. 2.My hair is in my eyes. 3.My left eye hurts. 4.My cell phone never rings. err.