I was working... like always and It was almost the worst day I've ever had untill about 15 till 8:00 and this guy walked in I mean.. blue eyes blonde hair O_O.... hottttieee... and he wanted me to peirce his ears and I was all... hehe.. okies and he wanted of course the most expensive.. what was I to do... but offer him my discount.... 32:00 down to six... damn I'm good... anyways he's like "oh look and this guy all pimped out" I look down the hall and don't see anyone and He's like "wait.. here he comes and sumra comes over there and is like, what you want?" I was like shhh and this guy... in a light tan cowboy hat and a burgandy colered t-shirt that said sumthin on it...he was waring black sun glasses blue jeans and pretty gold and red beads around his neck well I looked him up and down about six times why he just kinda smiled at me and this guy followed him in he was soo much hotter then the guy in the chair but ... damn.. I was so torn.. then he cam up to me and was like " I'm looking for a necklace to match.... Hear it is!..this" and he pulls out a black dress... I looked him up again and then looked at the guy at his side and couldn't help but smile... I was like .. silver.. or black .. or anything.. he's like *shrugs* I was like >< just my luck..so I was all "hold on and let me do this guys ears" and he just kinda nodded and started talkin to the guy who's ears i was doing after all that i rang him up at six dollers and he's like... I'm gonna leave you a tip and I was all no.. no... I can't let you do that and he's all smiles* "sure you can you can just tell them it's your lunch money and were dating" I was like O_O SQUEE!..... :'( I CAAAAANNNNT and he's like ok.. and kinda patted me on my head and paid for it and i kinda pouted and he told me I rocked and I was all hehe ^_^ and then I helped the hottie cross dresser
and that was the highlight of my night
Yesterday I called My gay friend David and He was walking down the Street drunk I was like O_O why!? he was like... "cuz I just left a bar" "....why?..." "cuz i was drinking.... omg... those are ugly people..." thats pretty much how are convo went except he said he was moving to Taiwan to become and english teacher.. I don't think in his drunken state he realized he needed to speak other languages...
and he will no longer be reachable by cell... :(
Sesshomaru, the beautifully evil dog demon
bishounen from Inuyasha is your ideal man. He's
bad, and he's beautiful. You won't be able to
tell if he actually feels anything towards you,
but little hints may at times give him away.
Just don't get him angry. Or tell him you're
human. Trust us.
Aaah! Kawaii! Who is your ideal anime guy? brought to you by
Quizilla Your inner self is your lonelyness! Your mostly
independant and can think for yourself. You
don't like to be bothered by many people and
your prepared for the worst. Have a little fun
sometime ok? Congrats!
.:What's your inner self?:. [With Anime Pics!!] brought to you by
Quizilla You are SAYA from "Blood : The Last
ANIME QUIZ - Which Anime Vampire Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla This is a part from my favorite books for now... The vampire Armand
I lay back, cold all over, and hurt suddenly, lonely perhaps, and wanting like a child to hide in his arms
morning came and he left me, having said nothing else.
The painting was a gleaming masterpiece of obscene.I was in my sleeping posture cast down on a riverbank, a fawn of sorts, over which a tall shepherd, the Master himself, in priestly robes stood watch. The woods around us were thick and richly realized with peeling tree trunks and their clustered dusty leaves. The water of the stream seemed wet to the touch, so clever was the realism of it, and my own figure appeared guileless nd lost in sleep, my mouth half-open in a natural way, my brow obviously troubled by uneasy dreams. I threw it on the floor, in a rage, meaning to smear it . Why had he said nothing? Why did force me to these lessons which drove us apart? Why his anger at me for merely doing what he had told me? I wondered if the brothels had been a test of my innocence, and his admonitions to me to enjoy all of it had been lies. I sat at his desk, picked up his pen and scribbled a message to him .
You are the Master. You should know all things. Its Unsupportable to be Mastered by one who cannot do it. Make clear the way, shepherd, or lay down your staff
I was like O_O "oohhhhh Marus is gonna be so mad when he reads that!"
ohh and he was too very... ok I'm sleepy now.. sleepy time for me