Christmas is commin! everyone (well most) are all happy and shit...and teachers didn't make us do work! it's soo great...and over break...Vannie's boyfriend is like "must meet DANIELLE!" to she pulled me aside and asked me if i wanted to go to the gallaria wit her and seth...and i was like " of course!" she was like "melissa can come too but...ugh if she brings (a certin someone)... i said " yea i kno...i don't think she'll be bringin that yea...i'm finally gonna get to meet seth!">
yea.. and plus all my other friends that i don't see at school and stuff r like "omg we gotta hang out" and yea...i want to..but i don't really have that many days off here...which sux ass! i hate fukin broke ass schools in yoNkErs...
so today...everyone exchanged gifts and whutnot..and everyone was happy...blah blah blah...i didn't get whut i big box(Michelle) lol but its all good...o speakin of which...ok so after chem class...we were standin near that door..and a certain person has that class after us and Vannie looked at me and smiled...i didn't kno that she knew i liked him...musta told her..w/e anyways she like " ooo i'm gonna set u guys up!" i was like "ahhhh NOOOO!" ok ..eventhough i like think he's sooo hot and all and that i like him and jus b/c i picked him for my team in volleyball doesn't mean i want him to kno that i like him...but i dunno...i'll see..anyways yea ok i gotta go watch "orange county" wit Jack Black cause he is a god! later