(no subject)

Dec 05, 2005 10:50

Today I found out that the guy I like, likes someone else... So basically i give up on boys.

What is everyone doing this weekend? I know on sunday that I'm going to Keith Urban yeah bitch :) but thats all I know.. I guess people named lucious and b-dizzle should call me and we will hang out.

Well I am in internet and I hate this class. I feel really fat today. I hate it when i feel like this because then rawr!

Whatever. Well I think that internet tech needs to go die.

So anyone that wants to hang out this weekend should call me.. or I might just have to go ride my horse bitches [:

haha well i was hyper and now I am kind of down in the dumps sooooo leave me comments and cheer me up?

that would be fabulous! [:


p.s. i am feezing today! RAWWRRR i need to get a jacket.
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