(no subject)

Apr 26, 2005 16:57

Totally doing this because I'm bored and I have no life..haha.

Slept in your bed: me
Saw you cry: Ally

Made you cry: No comment
Spent the night at your house: Ally, cause she is my only friend.
You shared a drink with: Alli
You went to the movies with: Josh Katie Dan Tyler Jennah Alexis Kevin Jill and Ally

You went to the mall with: Alex Chris and Max
Yelled at you: Haha..too many people to remember the last one
Sent you an e-mail: My lovely sister
Said they were going to kill you: HAHA..once again, too many people (I think Meagan Bowen?)

Said "I love you" and meant it? Yes

Gotten in a fist fight? Oh yess
Been to New York? Yess
Hawaii? No
Mexico? Yes
China? No, I wish..

Canada? no
Danced naked? Almost naked..haha.
Have a really bad feeling about something then it happened? everytime i get a bad feeling
Wish you were the opposite sex? HAHA all the time
Had an imaginary friend? Shitt, i still do.

Red or blue? Blue
Spring or fall? Fall
Santa or Rudolph? Rudolph..cause Santa scares me.
Math or English? english
What are you going to do after you finish this survey? Go do something with my boring life.
What was the last food you ate? I havent eaten since yesterday, so i dont remember
Are you bored? yes.. always
How many buddies are on? 101

Last noise you heard? the mouse clicking
Last time you went out of the state: boston feild trip
Things you like in a guy: funny, sweet, sensitive, and knows how to always put a smile on your face

Have crush on someone? If you call going out with someone a crush, then deffinetly.
Do they know? Well I would hope so?
What's his name? Dan
What is on your mouse pad? A dell sign, the mouse, and some writing that i did.
Favorite board game? Uhm..LIFE (haha alexis)
Worst feeling in the world? guilt and regret..and missing someone
What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning? honestly, dan. (well lately anyways)
Future daughter's name: Madison or Holly
Future son's name: Christopher or Adam
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate..for sure.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Yes..
Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous? righty

What's under your bed? nothing cause I just cleaned..woo.
Favorite sport to watch? Baseball
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height Currently: around 5'4"
Siblings: 1
Siblings age: 18 almost 19
Location: computer chair..

Any Piercings: my ears
Best Friend: Chelsea Gleeson, Ally Gagliardi, Alli Labarre, and Megan Hannah Lyman
Are You Timely Or Always Late: Eh im whatever i feel like that day
Do You Have A Job: Dunkin Donuts maybe? woo.
Do You Like Being Around People: If they arn't annoying little shit heads, then yeah.

Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with? If I was really in love with someone..it was only one person, so no.
Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did?: yes, too many times.
Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After?: No because thats boring. And then you will never know what you want in a person if you don't try getting to know things about different people.
Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now?:  No, because I have him. But I do want him with me right now.

Ever Liked a close Guy Friend?:Yes..
Are You Lonely Right Now?: uhm, i dont know? I could use some company i guess.
Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married?: yes..
Do You Want To Get Married?: of course..

Do You Want Kids?: sometime

Room In house: mine
Type of music: uh im not sure?
Song: A favor house atlantic- Coheed and Cambria
Cologne: Old Spice
Flower: Roses
Month: June and August
Season: Summer or Fall
Location for dates: Ugh, i hate calling it a date. But movies, hang out at someones house..and yeah.

Cried: yes
Bought Something: yes
Sang: deffinetly haha
Said I Love You: nope.
Wanted To tell someone you loved them, But Didn't: ehh?
Met Someone New: yes
Moved On: um, moved on from what?
Talked To Someone: yea
Had A Serious Talk: yes
Missed Someone: yeah, although i miss him whenever im not with him
Hugged Someone: yea
Kissed Someone: yes
Fought With Your Parents: what else is new
Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: day-dreamed..
Had a lot of sleep: hmm i dont know.
Wanted This Survey To Be Over: yes

My Mother thinks I am: retarded, and she wnats me to go play in traffic

My Girlfriend(s) thinks I am: haha I dont ask cause i dont care
My best friend thinks I am: no idea..ask Chelsea, she will deffinetly tell you the truth
You get embarrassed when: i say the wrong thing, or just make myself look like an idiot, which is 99 percent of the time.
Makes you happy: being with certain people, and listening to music
Upsets you: too many things

Yes or NO....
you keep a diary : Of course..couldn't live without it. Its more like a journal though.
you like to cook : yes..cause my hobby is eating.
you have a secret you have not shared with anyone: no, chelsea knows absolutley everything
you fold your underwear: I don't have a life, but I have more of a life than that.
you set your watch ahead: no
you bite your fingernails: when im nervous or have nothing else to do
talk in your sleep? Haha yeah all the time.

movie you rented: Ladder 49
movie you bought: The Notebook
song you listened to: A favor house atlantic
song that was stuck in your head: Blueberry yum yum
person that's called you: Alli
TV show you've watched: Beverly Hills 90210
person you were thinking of: dan

you wish you could live somewhere else: yes and no
you think about suicide: uhh no cause i don't have a reason to
you believe in online dating: not for me..but maybe for other people.
do people find you attractive: how would I know?
you want more tattoos: i dont have any, and tahts how its gunna stay.
you like roller coasters: Yes, every since Megan like puched me into one
you write in cursive or print : print..actually my print is useuslly ocnnected so sort both i guess

of times you have been in love? once, but in many ways, i would like nothing more than to forget it
of times you have had your heart broken? over a guy, i think twice, truly. Over something else..i dont know.
of hearts you have broken? I dont know, but i hate doing it.
of people you consider your enemies? hahaha
of things in your past that you regret? about almost everything that I have done
of people you have slept with? uhh, i have fallen asleep with someone..but i havent had sex, haha.

If you read that Im really suprised.

<3..dan roberts
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