Dec 14, 2006 23:17
Soo today started out preeeetty good. I woke up, I was in a really good mood. Then I went tanning with Jnevs, I kinda burnt, so good thing we aren't going again till saturday. TanFx is really good I like it there. Then as soon as I got to work it was horrible, everyone was so bitchy and grumpy that it made me bitchy and grumpy. Good thing the day went by pretty fast, cause my feet were getting tired and sore, and I honestly just wanted to come home and relaxxxxx. I didn't even eat today at work, i wanted to so bad cause I was so hungry but jacqueline was so bitchy that I didn't even bother to ask even though she ate and got there 2 hours after me. gggod. oh well though, im glad i didn't eat. Cause all I have been eating is soup lately, and I do feel alot better about myself lately then I felt a week or two ago.
Oh ive also been really proud of myself because I have been going to bed around 12 ish! and waking up 10:30-11ish which is soo good. I have been having bad sleeping ever since nickolas left so im donig really good, I love going to bed earlier cause it leaves more time in the mornings other then just getting up, showering, getting ready and going to work. then i feel like I need to stay up late cause I accomplished nothing that day! haha I basically have routines, like, on the internet and stuff, i go on here everyday. how bad is that? junkie!!
So Nick comes home in about 6 days! Im excited. He will be here till about the 23rd, then he will go to swan river, then go there till boxing day, and stay here till the 2nd or 1st for my birthday & new years, then me and ceege are going with nick to his house in regina!! and then we will come back and he will probably come home a day or two before he leaves again for minnesota so im really excited for all that, it will be alot of fun espcailly regina with his family ugh im soo excited.
Uhhh my feet are soo sore. haha i just want them to be messaged so bad.....i know i spelt that wrong too. Hmm, 16 days till my birthday! im excited, thats a little over 2 weeks. I can't beleive ill be 19. this past year has really gone by so fast, I cant beleive it. I geuss time really goes by alot faster the older you get, seriously though grade 12 flew by and now its like, im turning 19! wow. haha but nickolas turned 18 just four months ago, haha, oh well. i love him though. anyways im going to go and maybe watch some tv so I can fall assleep its almost my BEDTIME! haha just kidding.
Love, Krystin
ps. I haven't gotten stoned in 2.5 months and IM proud of myself. I seriously quit drugs.. I dont like it anymore it really isn't even fun anymore. I just feel so bad on it and Im so glad! I geuss you do grow up someday, maybe thats what I did. im not sure. anyways! i thought id share the joy