Mar 29, 2006 12:29
things to talk about....i'll make it easier.
basically, i don't know why my dreams are so messed up lately!! last night, i had a dream that will broke up with me. he wouldn't talk to me or anything.
i was begging him for an explanation, till he finally said he was kidding.
by that time, i was too upset to look at him... it goes on and on, nothing that you need be worried about.
i just don't get what is with my dreams lately, and why they are so negitive.
so last night, i saw a few things... i wanted more though.
a few orbies, a few clouds, a light turning on... i thought i saw a man... got a horrible feeling at Rose... a horrible feeling... like... really bad... i want to see the pictures
well, i woke up this morning, with the strange feeling i should get into a bathing suit.
i did.
my tofu coffee diet worked.
seriously, wow.
my ex-super model mother, who has been telling me i need to loose weight, walked in my room to ask me a question, saw me in the bathing suit and said "wow, you look really good." i looked at her and was like "yeah... yeah i do." she then replied, "you really do have a nice little body."
aparently, i have nice legs too.
well, i had a dream that i turned my long black skirt into a babydoll dress.
so i did.
all i did was put it on like a top, and tied a pink ribbon on it.
i look good.
i have my mother's body... or i'm getting there, she was a stick, but yeah. the shape is there.
i love how i look in the bathing suit... givin, i still don't like my thighs, but regardless...
odly enough, i think i look amazing topless :o)
wouldn't you like to know hahaha
i've been cutting down on smoking.
today is my last day of freedom.. i start working tomorrow.
i won't be here friday-sunday afternoon, i'll be in Gville. :o)
she is either wanting to kiss you or wan