I'm scared and I'm worried and I'm a zillion things in one
I just want this all over with
I'm sick of worrying that I may have just ruined my future
life is playing a fucking crazy game of russian roulette and I am not happy to participate
I miss days spent watching Anastasia
and dreaming of that soul crushing love
I think I'm going to chose Zora Neale Hurston for AP Lang next year
I've fallen head over heals for her storytelling
she was a magnificent woman
D turns 17 tomorrow, it's one step closer to him leaving me for good
his mom told him last night that I was his soulmate, the girl he shouldn't let go
I wonder what he said back.
I'm a mess of crazy
and I do not want to go to the gynecologist :(
if you're in the mood for scandalous television, watch "Skins" online
it's the single greatest BBC show besides the original "Office"