(no subject)

Feb 15, 2004 03:03

something isn't right here...

today was nothing but complete& udder BULLSHIT.
Yeah it was Valentines Day & yeah I have a boyfriend.
So I should be a lil' bit happier right?!
Yup,you fucking heard me, I'm not impressed at all.
If people tell you something, that they will be there at a certain time or whatever you usually expect them to be there right? Or am I totally wrong here.
He made reservations at this cute lil' cafe type deal here in Windsor for us & everything then we were going to meet up with everyone later on tonight.
But nothing happened, because he fucking didn't show up.
What a knob I am for waiting.
Oh well whatever.
I still had fun with everyone else, so whatever to that shit.
It's 3:06am & I'm not tired & all I want is my head to be clear of all these bad thoughts I'm having.
i'm sure he has a good excuse for why he was a no show but still a phone call or something would have been a-ok to let me know what was up with stuff,you know?
Here I am babbling on about my faggotlovelife, I hardly ever do this.
But when I do, its pretty incredible because I'm non-stop.
Okay...phew I feel okay now I had to get that shit off my chest.
I don't want morning to come, where I wake-up wayyy to fucking early & lay there with my discman playing some acoustic stuff, while I try & fall back asleep because I know I will just stay awake & thik about stuff & get into a sappy mood.
But boys come & go, maybe this one is a keeper or maybe he isn't. Only time will tell.
Jordy has been uder a ton of stress lately too, about his job, his apartment & issues & also his uncle dying, all this stuf happened in the past week. so when i saw him last night & today, he took it out on me, & i don't mind that one bit because i want to be there for him,for whatever yeah know. but to be pushing me away because of this stuff, kind of sucks cock you know. but boys will be boys & they do what they gotta do to make it through things. i totally understand that stuff. so i'll just go with it.whatever it may be.
the end.

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