I start drivers ed tomorrow. Congrats to me.
I feel like all I've been doing is working. Grr.
I've managed to make plans with numerous people. It's suprising.
Hung out with Peter&Brad last night. Missed them a lot.
Tonight, Kyle taught me how to drive stick. I'm amazing.
Friday night equals Aaron Carter concert with Lo. This will mark the fourth concert we've attended. Shut the fuck up about it, mmmk? Teenie boppers at heart. Do something about.
I seem to have lost my biffle. Where did you run off to? I miss you lover. Today, I even wore my "Tay-Digs is for LOVERS" shirt.
&oh yea, I finally got glasses since I lost my old ones way back in December. It's great to be able to see again.
All photos courtesy of Kyle's camera. Note:: I need to get a new one soon