Nov 08, 2004 09:31
it'd be cool if my body would actually let me throw up instead of just coughing up stomach acid and burning my throat.
sorry if you read that. i know it's gross. i throw up like once every two years. my body like. . . can't do it or something. i keep gagging and nothing besides this burning in my throat and back of my mouth is coming from it. awesome.
uhhh. . i'm considering making a friends only journal and only telling like five people about it since people have proven to me that they don't understand the concept of "friends only" and like to share what i say with everyone who shouldn't know. real cool guys. the thing is, i need to vent about practically everything in my life, and this is how i do it. but if i can't trust that the information i'm writing isn't going to go beyond my friends list, even my special extra-private friends list, well there goes my form of fucking venting. thanks guys. thanks for having big fucking mouths and causing extra drama for me. there's a big difference between trash talking and venting. if i wanted what i said to be public, don't you think i would make it that way?
regardless, i'm going over the idea, it's very tempting. . i just hate that it's necessary.
(Leave answers in a comment...
Y = Yes.
N = No.
M = Maybe, depends.
* = You already have.)
Would you ...
( ) hang out with me?
( ) give me your number?
( ) go out on date with me?
( ) dance with me? (assume that I will one day remember how to dance)
( ) try to kiss me?
( ) try to make out with me?
( ) play a board/card game with me?
( ) play pool with me?
( ) play volleyball/basketball/team sport with me?
( ) snowboard/ski with me?
( ) go to the beach for a swim with me?
( ) watch a movie with me... even a really sappy one?
( ) watch a movie with me... even a gore/action one?
( ) let me take you out to dinner?
( ) drive me somewhere/anywhere?
( ) let me use your shower?
( ) want to have a fling with me?
( ) be my boyfriend?
( ) listen to me if I called you, crying, even if you were out with all of your friends?
( ) buy me a drink if I didn't have money?
( ) take me home for the night?
( ) let me sleep in your bed?
( ) sing car karaoke with me?
( ) sit waiting someplace with me because I didn't want to go alone?
( ) come and pick me up, after being woken up, because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere?
oh yeah, and i've said it before and i'll say it again: to the people who call me uninformed, stupid, ignorant, closed-minded, WHATEVER because i DISAGREE with your OPINION on a subject, fuck off. i can't even begin to express my distaste for YOUR fucking ignorance.
o·pin·ion n - a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty / the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof
just as my opinion is not fact, neither is yours. opinions are based on a lot of things and to call an opinion correct or incorrect is fucking bullshit if you ask me. while i can disagree with you, i will never call you stupid for it. i DO understand that some of my views are controversial, and may offend, but people offend me without apology, so i really couldn't care less. the fucking end.